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11 MAGA supporters rushed to hospital before Donald Trump’s rally




11 MAGA supporters rushed to hospital before Donald Trump's rally

Awaiting a packed one Donald Trump The rally started in the sweltering Arizona heat, 11 MAGA supporters were rushed to the hospital before the presidential candidate took the stage, can report.

Trump’s rally in Phoenix marked the ex-president’s first visit to the key state since the 2022 midterm elections, which came amid a record triple-digit temperature spike that packed hospitals with heat-affected patients on Thursday.

Conservative organization Turning point action sponsored the “town hall” at Dream City Church, a venue with a capacity of 2,700 people. According to local station ABC15, thousands of people lined up for the event, and hundreds were denied a seat after the venue reached capacity.

According to the newspaper, city fire officials were called to the event after “several people fainted and sought medical attention due to the heat,” and 11 people reporting heat exhaustion were taken to the hospital.

Videos of two of the eleven supporters being taken away on a stretcher were shared by the station’s reporter Ben Brown, who told viewers: “I’ve seen at least three people turned away so far due to the heat while waiting in line in the sun to get into Donald Trump’s event… it’s 102 degrees outside.”

He also said two people “fainted” as they approached the doors of the venue one person filmed apparently treated on the spot with an IV.

During the speech that the withdrawn crowd members missed, Trump discussed his plans if elected in November, highlighting his commitment to securing the US-Mexico border – a particularly relevant issue in the southern state.

For example, he promised to “shift much of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement” and “put the cartels out of business.”

Trump also spoke about inflation and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and criticized ‘Crooked Joe Biden,” and encouraged gun owners, evangelicals and Christians to vote.

The influx of heat-exhausted patients in the city spurred hospitals to use body bags filled with ice as a life-saving measure called “cold water immersion.” Medical professionals decided to use the technique after 645 heat-related deaths in the city last year The guard.

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The heat wave swept across much of the Southwest, affecting more than 29 million people, with “excessive heat warnings and warnings extending from the Central Valley to the deserts of Southern California, southern Nevada and the South and west of Arizona into Utah.” Axios reported.