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11 months after the Titan tragedy, the American billionaire takes a submarine to the Titanic site to prove that the journey is safe



11 months after the Titan tragedy, the American billionaire takes a submarine to the Titanic site to prove that the journey is safe

The real estate investor did not mention a specific date or timeline.

Nearly a year after the Titan submarine’s implosion, an Ohio real estate investor wants to prove the expedition can be completed safely by sending a two-person submarine to Titanic-level depths. Billionaire Larry Connor said he and Patrick Lahey, co-founder of Triton Submarines, will travel more than 10,000 feet to the Titanic shipwreck in the submarine. New York Post.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journalsaid investor Larry Connor, “I want to show people around the world that while the ocean is extraordinarily powerful, it can be beautiful and enjoyable and truly life-changing if you approach it right.”

Mr Connor has designed a Triton 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer, a $20 million vessel, which will conduct the voyage. It has been given the name “4000” because of the depth in meters it can reach. “Patrick has been thinking about and designing this for over a decade. But we didn’t have the materials and technology. You couldn’t have built this sub five years ago,” he added.

Patrick Lahey, co-founder of Triton Submarines, explained WJ that Mr. Connor called him a few days after the implosion of the Titan submarine and said that we should build a submarine that could dive safely. “You know, what we need to do is build a submarine that can dive repeatedly and safely to Titanic-level depths and show the world that you can do that, and that Titan was a structure,” Mr. Lahey told me. the billionaire. However, the real estate investor did not mention a specific date or timeline.

Mr. Lahey was one of many industry critics who attacked OceanGate before and after the catastrophe, accusing the company of questionable safety standards. After the implosion, he called OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush’s strategy to get people on board “pretty predatory.”

Notably, the passengers on Titan were required to sign a waiver that classified the ship as “experimental” three times and listed numerous ways they could die, according to a report in Business insider. Mistakes, failed trips and a feeling of insecurity were also mentioned by previous travelers.

British explorer Hamish Harding, French submarine expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Pakistani-British tycoon Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman and Stockton Rush were killed in the tragic accident. OceanGate has since halted these expeditions.

Experts have recovered suspected human remains from what was left of the Titan submarine after almost five days. The mangled debris recovered from the small submarine was offloaded in eastern Canada, ending a difficult search and recovery operation. A debris field was also found on the seabed 500 meters from the Titanic’s bow, which lies more than two miles below the ocean’s surface and more than 400 miles off the coast of Newfoundland.