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48 Good Morning Wednesday Blessings for a positive and successful day




A photo of a morning in nature with red flowers in the foreground.

It’s Wednesday.

And when the morning light or rain starts to wake you up, you might feel a little tired and unmotivated.

For me personally, Wednesday mornings and Thursday mornings are usually the toughest. The coming weekend still seems a bit too far away and last weekend too.

So to help myself and hopefully you too, I’ve put together a collection of uplifting and positive Good Morning Wednesday blessings.

I hope you’ll find something here that will give you new energy and a boost of motivation to start your day right (and to help you do the same for loved ones in your life by sharing your favorites with them).

Positive and uplifting good morning wednesday blessings

“May this Wednesday morning bring you much joy, fill your heart with energy and warmth in the company of loved ones and open your mind to the possibilities of today.”

“As the sun rises on this new day, may you find renewed energy, hope and opportunity for the success you dream of.”

“Good morning! Let this Wednesday be a canvas for your dreams. Paint it the way you want it to look and in a way that propels you towards your goals and dreams.”

“As you wake up to Wednesday’s promise, may you find strength in your coffee and in your dreams. You got this!”

“Blessed Wednesday to you, my friend! May today’s challenges become lessons that move you faster toward achieving your goals.”

“This Wednesday morning – like all mornings – offers the potential for miracles, both big and small. So keep your eyes and minds open and your hearts ready for gratitude.”

“Good morning! May your Wednesday morning be the wonderful start of a day to remember for you and your loved ones.”

“As you start today, remember that you are worthy, that you are destined for wonderful things, and that you are loved. Happy Wednesday!”

“Sending you positive vibes on this rainy Wednesday morning. Enjoy a wonderful and peaceful day!”

“Good morning my love! I hope this day brings you blessings in unexpected ways, and a little happiness in what matters most to you right now.”

“Let this Wednesday morning be a reminder that you determine what your day, week and life will be. You are the captain.”

“On this beautiful morning, I hope you will find the courage to pursue your greatest dream and the wisdom to appreciate life’s simple pleasures and wonders.”

“I know the last few days have been tough and I hope this will be a lighter day that will go more smoothly for you.”

“Good morning! I hope your Wednesday will be as loving, beautiful and fun as you are!”

“Take a moment this Wednesday morning to give thanks for the gift of a brand new day and the many, many possibilities it brings.”

Motivational quotes to fuel your Wednesday morning

“May your Wednesday be an effective Wednesday where you use a sharp focus and spend time not on busy work, but on what will take you towards where you want to go deep down.”

“Make this beautiful Wednesday count! Start it with gratitude and then shift that energy into your plans for the day as you step out into the world for fresh air and sunlight to fully awaken your mind and senses.”

“If you’ve had a bad week so far, use this weekday morning as a fresh start, as a way to start over and make the rest of the week great.”

“Let yesterday’s setbacks be lessons that you use today to work even smarter. Don’t let those moments bring you down and hold you back, but use them to your advantage.”

“If you feel tired or frustrated this Wednesday morning, just take one small step toward your highest goal to make it a happy and ultimately fulfilling day.”

‘I believe in you. Believe in yourself, just like me. The way we do. And know that we are always here to support you on your journey. Happy Wednesday!”

“Good morning! Time to get moving and not get distracted. Let’s go!”

“Set the tone for your Wednesday first thing in the morning by completing one of your most difficult tasks. You’ll feel great when it’s done and the rest of the day will feel lighter and easier.

“Push a little outside your comfort zone today. And see what positive things that will bring, not only today, but also in the longer term.”

“Think of your most important whys to renew your motivation this morning. Keep them in mind so you can get through the day well and not succumb to mistakes or temporary failures.”

“If you have the hope and motivation, the world is open, and so is your life, to whatever success you want.”

“Keep pushing. Then go a little further. Because the highway to success is almost completely empty on the extra mile. And that is where your greatest opportunities lie.”

“Keep moving. Keep taking action. Learn from your mistakes. But don’t stop for too long. Success depends on how much action you take.”

Funny blessings for a good morning and a beautiful day

“Happy Wednesday, my friend! May your coffee be strong and may your colleagues not stop by all day to interrupt you.”

‘It’s Hump Day for some. For us it is Wednesday that he gets into trouble and Thursday he just asks Friday to change places.”
– Dwayne Johnson

“May your to-do list be short and your patience with chatty colleagues long.”

‘On this beautiful Wednesday I wish you as few and short meetings as humanly possible.’

“Time to clear out that inbox and get some work done before scrolling through memes until lunchtime.”

“Good morning, my dear friend! May your motivation be as strong as when a cat chases a laser pointer and the office snacks are plentiful.

“Happy Hump Day! May your Wednesday go smoothly and easily when your boss is out of the office.

Short Wednesday blessings for your morning

“May your Wednesday be filled with peace and the simple joys you love.”

“Get up, move on, you got this!”

“Love yourself. I love you Wednesday. Get the best of both things.”

“You are my greatest blessing. I love you and can’t wait to see you!”

“Good morning! Open your mind to the big and small Wednesday miracles that await you today.”

“Grab the momentum from midweek and keep pushing for the rest of the week to make it a great week.”

“Wednesday morning brings the usual inner resistance. But if you go past it, success awaits.”

“Today, be the smile and positive energy you want to see in your world.”

“Good morning! Have a wonderful Wednesday and make it unforgettable, in a small or bigger way.”

“Dawn is breaking. This day awakens. Own it and make the most of it.”

“Focus on doing what you can, where you are, with what you have on this day. Nothing else.”

‘Let go of yesterday. Don’t think too much about tomorrow. Spend most of your time in this moment enjoying life.

“Keep your eyes open for opportunities this morning. Otherwise you can’t benefit from it.”

“Breathe and find moments of peace and calm, even if you have a busy Wednesday today.”

Want more motivation and inspiring blessings for your mornings ahead? Take a look at these posts: