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6 mantras against holiday stress from a meditation coach




6 mantras against holiday stress from a meditation coach
TThe text comes in: “Hey, you’re coming to the Christmas party on Friday, right!?” Give up the urge to turn off your phone and literally dig into your drawer of stress-relieving essential oils. No, you’re not a Grinch; you’re just already fully booked and over your head with the 10 other commitments you have later this week. Enter: the wave of guilt because you just want to rest instead of adding another social commitment to your overbooked appointment. From one people pleaser to another, I get it.

A 2021 survey from the American Psychological Association found that 41 percent of adults say this Stress levels increase during the holidays and 32 percent say they worry they won’t be able to get enough rest during the holidays. It’s understandable: With holiday travel, back-to-back social obligations, family commitments, and end-of-year work deadlines, the last few weeks of the year are packed for many of us.

At some point we will have to say ‘no’ to something because despite our best intentions we cannot be everywhere at once. We have limited time and energy. It is up to us to create the conditions for peace in our own lives.

As a meditation teacher, it didn’t take long for me to realize that I was spreading myself too thin during the holidays. Yes, my meditation practice was there to ground me, but I found I needed something quick-acting and concrete. Something I could use when the “I have to be at every holiday” guilt started to creep in.

This is where the regular use of mantra entered my holiday season. I noticed in both myself and my clients that repeating specific phrases made a dramatic change in overall well-being, reducing stress and helping to calm myself. (Research has also shown that mantra-based meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety and depressionespecially when combined with other practices.) This created the foundation for respected boundaries and resolved feelings of guilt during this challenging time of year.

When it comes to choosing a mantra, it is important that we say something that we sincerely believe in. To help with this, I like to add the word “can” to the beginning of the sentence. Telling yourself, “I deserve boundaries” is great. But what if you’re not at the point where you fully believe it yet? For the mantra to be effective, it must be something you resonate with. “May I” mantras are gentle. They come across as invitations rather than demands, which can help you meet yourself where you are.

Here are six tried-and-tested holiday mantras that you can use on a rotation basis to support your well-being (and ensure you actually get some rest this season).

1. “May I respect my energy level”

Give yourself permission to do what you need to do. Use this mantra to tune into what your best self knows to be true, whether that’s a relaxing evening at home or showing up to the party.

2. “I choose rest, and I do it with grace”

By choosing to rest when you feel like it, you are choosing optimal health and a calm nervous system. Take it one step further by doing it elegantly. You may have declined the invitation, but you did so with kindness because that is your nature.

3. “You Deserve This Time”

Reassurance goes a long way. Talk to yourself in the second person, as you would talk to a good friend. If you practice this long enough, you will get into the habit of talking to yourself in a way that is rooted in love and caring.

4. “May my borders be protected”

This is a declaration to yourself and your preferred universe. By chanting this mantra with intention, over time you will find that protecting your boundaries becomes effortless.

5. “I welcome forgiveness into my life”

You may feel bad about putting yourself first, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t like feeling like you’ve let other people down. This is a great opportunity to practice forgiveness – both towards yourself and energetically towards others.

6. “My peace is all mine”

This mantra will help you regain your power. It is simple, but reminds us that you are responsible and fully capable of creating the conditions for peace in your life. Let this knowledge give you strength.