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Mediterranean dietary supplement may influence epigenetics associated with healthy aging




Mediterranean dietary supplement may influence epigenetics associated with healthy aging

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As life expectancy increases, attention and interest in safe and effective lifestyle interventions to promote healthy aging is growing rapidly. One of the elements examined is that of unhealthy food, with poor nutritional value. Therefore, lifestyle changes, including dietary interventions, could promote positive effects and potentially reduce the risk of developing age-related diseases.

Previous studies have shown that phytonutrients, natural compounds found in vegetables, fruits and berries, support health and lower the risk of age-related conditions such as cardiovascular disease and dementia.

The Mediterranean diet is based primarily on abundant phytonutrients. The Mediterranean diet consists of olive oil as the main source of fat, fresh fruit, small to moderate amounts of seafood, poultry, dairy products, wine and eggs. Sweets with sugar or honey and red meat are consumed sparingly. Following this diet can protect against several conditions.

DailyColors is a nutritional supplement designed to mimic the benefits of the Mediterranean diet by providing key nutrients found in fruits, berries and vegetables. These nutrients, such as quercetin and anthocyanins, are known for their potential health benefits, especially with aging.

A joint study between the Center for Healthy Brain Aging at King’s and the Center for Age-related Medicine, Stavanger University Hospital, Norway, aimed to investigate how DailyColors affects certain blood markers linked to aging and related diseases, such as how our cells produce energy, inflammation and stress in the body.

The study also looked at changes in DNA methylation in saliva, which can provide indicators of biological aging.

Thirty adults aged 55-80 years, with a body mass index greater than 25, participated in the study. Participants took DailyColors or a placebo for a week and then switched after a break.

During the placebo phase, a blood marker called CD38, which is linked to poor cell function and inflammation, increased. This did not happen when participants used DailyColors. There was also a trend showing reduced oxidative stress (a process that can damage cells) after taking the supplement.

“This nutraceutical clinical trial highlights King’s strengths in academia-industry collaboration, involving researchers from four continents across nine institutions and two companies.

“This study is the first to show that a new supplement containing plant compounds found in the Mediterranean diet can alter blood biomarkers and epigenetic profiles associated with healthy aging,” said Dr. Richard Siow, Director of Aging Research at King’s (ARK). .

In a follow-up study with 26 participants who continued to use DailyColors for a month, the study found changes in the way DNA is marked, which could slow some of the negative effects of aging. Although the observed effects were minimal, the research suggests that DailyColors could help slow down certain aging processes. However, more extensive studies are needed to confirm these benefits.

The work is published in the news Antioxidants.

More information:
Joyce Ruifen Chong et al., A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Biological Effects and Safety of a Polyphenol Supplement on Healthy Aging, Antioxidants (2024). DOI: 10.3390/antiox13080995

Provided by King’s College London

Quote: Mediterranean Dietary Supplement May Affect Epigenetics Associated with Healthy Aging (2024, August 23), retrieved August 23, 2024 from

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