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About 1 in 8 Americans are diagnosed with chronic insomnia




About 1 in 8 Americans are diagnosed with chronic insomnia

Millions of Americans have trouble falling or staying asleep, a new study shows.

Some struggle more than others: About 12% of Americans surveyed said they have been diagnosed with chronic insomnia, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) questionnaire revealed.

Who is most likely to have missed a good night’s sleep? Men (13%) were slightly more likely than women (11%) to be diagnosed with chronic insomnia. Meanwhile, millennials reported the highest rate of chronic insomnia diagnoses (15%).

How debilitating can insomnia be? Symptoms associated with insomnia include fatigue or daytime sleepiness; feeling dissatisfied with sleep; have difficulty concentrating; feeling depressed, anxious, or irritable; and having low motivation or energy.

“Chronic insomnia affects not only how a person sleeps at night, but also how they feel and function during the day,” says AASM President Dr. Eric Olson. “Fortunately, there are effective treatment options for people living with chronic insomnia, and these treatments can significantly improve both health and quality of life.”

Chronic insomnia can harm physical, mental and emotional health and lead to increased risks of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, car accidents, Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes, experts say.

The most effective treatment for chronic insomnia is cognitive behavioral therapy, which combines behavioral strategies, such as establishing a consistent sleep schedule and getting out of bed when you have trouble sleeping, with thinking strategies, such as replacing fears about insomnia with more helpful expectations. Although six to eight sessions are typical for treating insomnia, some patients improve more quickly.

“Cognitive behavioral therapy provides patients experiencing chronic insomnia with a highly personalized plan to help identify any underlying problems and provide long-term solutions that promote healthy sleep,” says Michael Nadorff, president of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, tell your doctor. Your doctor may refer you to a therapist or an AASM-accredited sleep center for help.

The survey of 2,006 adults in the United States was conducted online from May 16 to 24. The margin of error is plus or minus 2 percentage points.

More information:
The Sleep Foundation has more to offer insomnia.

Copyright © 2024 Health Day. All rights reserved.

Quote: About 1 in 8 Americans Diagnosed with Chronic Insomnia (2024, July 4), Retrieved July 4, 2024 from

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