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Are companies harsh? – Ecolib



Are companies harsh?  - Ecolib

How many times have you heard something like the following sentence: “Because companies only care about making money, they and their executives are harsh to their customers and employees.” Even some people who think that online businesses are good for our economy often characterize them as callous because of their profit motive.

I’m not defending all companies. That would be foolish. But I want to point out a recent case and a case from twenty-three years ago about companies going to extremes. While these two cases are likely outliers, anyone who has dealt with corporations much can probably vouch for my assertion that corporations are more caring than the above quote claims. Moreover, because people who make harsh claims often want government to regulate, we should realize that governments are usually much worse.

Here are the first two paragraphs of my latest Hoover article: “Are companies harsh?,” Defining ideasMay 9, 2024.

Also check out my review of Oskar Schindler.

Read the whole thing.