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Biden accused of wearing white eyeliner to ‘look more awake’ during Trump debate




Biden accused of wearing white eyeliner to 'look more awake' during Trump debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

Viewers accused Joe Biden of wearing white eyeliner to look awake at the presidential debate.

June 27, 2024, published at 10:15 PM ET

President Joe Biden was accused of wearing white eyeliner to “look more awake” during the first general election debate against Donald Trump, has learned.

The highly anticipated battle was expected to be a test for Biden’s re-election campaign to counter criticism of the 81-year-old president’s age and mental capacity to hold office for another four years.

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

Viewers watching the debate wondered if Biden was wearing white eyeliner to “look more awake.”

While the debate was underway at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, viewers quickly took to social media to speculate on whether or not Biden was wearing makeup to enhance his appearance.

‘98% sure Joe Biden is wearing white eyeliner seem more awake btw,” wrote one X user.

Another X user asked: ‘Is Biden wearing white eyeliner? Looks like he’s wearing that Tarte fake wake up.”

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

Social media users were quick to notice Biden’s extra clear waterline.

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A third noted“The girls know that they have tightly outlined Biden’s waterline with white eyeliner to make him look more awake.”

As the posts went viral, others began voicing Biden’s support using the age-old makeup trick.

“Biden is definitely wearing white eyeliner and I’m for that,” read another.

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Others scoffed that the stark white waterline look took them “back to the ’90s.”

“Oldest trick in the book!” wrote one social media user. “I’ve been doing it myself since the 90s!”

“I remember this old trick!! Takes me back to the 90s,” he briefly joked.


Joe Biden

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

Social media users laughed at the makeup trick that took them ‘back to the 90s’.

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Jokes aside, the Biden campaign hoped his performance in the first debate would put an end to concerns about his age ahead of the November election.

Unfortunately, almost immediately after the president took the stage, viewers quickly noticed his horsey voice and tired appearance. At some points, Biden’s gravelly voice made his answers difficult to understand — and “Is Biden sick?” became a trending topic on social media.

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

The Biden campaign hoped the debate would ease concerns about the president’s age and ability to lead.

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During the debate, Biden appeared ill and coughed several times, leading some to wonder why he went through with the event.

“Oh my god, is Biden sick now?” asked an X user. Another commented: ‘What’s wrong with Biden? Is he ill? He is out of breath and pale. He looks out of it. His eyes are wrong. Something’s wrong. He talks quickly and does not speak clearly. him like that. This is worrying.”

The answer is yes. Biden’s team said he had been battling a cold for several days.