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Biden mocks Trump’s weight and hampers his golf game in an unhinged presidential debate




Biden mocks Trump's weight and hampers his golf game in an unhinged presidential debate
Source: CBS/YouTube

Joe Biden called out Donald Trump’s weight during a tense moment during the presidential debate.

June 27, 2024, published at 11:10 PM ET

Joe Biden called out Donald Trump‘s weight when he disrupted his golf game during a particularly unhinged portion of the first presidential debate, has learned.

At one point in the debate, Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, were asked for their opinions on how age affected their ability to govern — and the ex-president pointed to his golf game as a measure of his suitability.

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

The pair sparred for 90 minutes.

Trump proudly proclaimed, “I just won two club championships, not even seniors.” Two regular club championships.’

Pointing to his head, Trump added: “To do that, you have to be pretty smart and be able to hit the ball far.”

The ex-president then lashed out at his opponent: ‘He won’t do it. He can’t hit a ball 50 yards.’

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

Trump bragged about winning “two club championships” that were not “senior” events.

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Biden then mocked Trump’s claims about his height and weight, telling moderators, “You can see he’s 6 feet tall and only weighs 225 pounds,” to which the ex-president shook his head and mumbled, though his answer was interrupted by the muted microphone.

“Well, anyway, just look at what he says he is and look at what he is,” Biden continued. “Look, I’d like to have a riding competition with him.”

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

Biden blasted Trump for taking him golfing if he could carry his own bag.


Joe Biden

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Biden then said he had reduced his golf handicap to a 6, causing Trump to shake his head in disbelief.

“By the way, I’ve told you before, I like to play golf,” Biden told Trump before checking his weight. ‘When you carry your own bag. Do you think you could do that?’

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Online users reacted to the bizarre discussion about the two seniors’ golf matches in the middle of a presidential debate.

“Trump cracking Biden’s golf swing and Biden cracking Trump’s weight are the most normal part of this debate,” wrote one.

Another user laughed at Biden and mocked Trump’s height and weight that he listed on his arrest form in his hush money case.

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Joe Biden Donald Trump during the general election debate
Source: CBS/Youtube

Trump listed his height and weight as 6 feet 4 inches and 240 pounds on his arrest record in New York.

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As reported, Trump listed his height and weight at 6-foot-4 and 240 pounds.

In a mocking tone, Biden told the audience they could “look” at the ex-president and see that he was indeed 6 feet tall and weighed 240 pounds.

“Biden pushing Trump’s height and weight wasn’t something I thought I’d hear,” one X user commented with three crying, laughing emoji faces.