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Cancun taxi driver arrested for charging Canadian tourists $1,000 for a short ride



Cancun Taxi Driver Arrested For Charging Canadian Tourist US$1,000 For A Short Ride

A Cancun taxi driver has been arrested on racketeering charges after suing a Canadian traveler $1,050 for a short transfer between terminals 4 and 3 at the international airportconfirmed the Public Prosecution Service.

In a series of six viral TikTok videosa visibly upset Xavier Cormier recorded most of his interactions with Eduardo Galicia Guadarrama (Cristian José “N” aka “Pollo”, according to other sources) the airport taxi driver and some police officers when they finally showed up.

Cormier stated that the driver attempted to flee with his luggage while seeking police assistance. He almost broke a leg when he forcefully entered the taxi to prevent his belongings from also being stolen.

According to the Canadian, he was returning to Montreal at 2 a.m. on April 18 when he was approached by two security guards who told him that he was not allowed to stay in Terminal 3 and so had to take a taxi to Terminal 3. 4. The fare was only $5 so he thought it was okay. Wrong!

Strangely, the two guards pressured him to pay by credit card, telling him it was the only option. He didn’t want to do it, but he had no choice.

“After paying with my card and getting into the taxi for just two minutes, I realized the charge on my card was worth over $1,000!”

He managed to reach Terminal 4, where he attracted the attention of other international tourists.

“When the taxi driver saw the security guard, he tried to escape with my luggage in the car, but I managed to jump into the front of the car and put the transmission in park, which almost resulted in a car accident.”

Afterwards, airport security arrived and forced the driver to issue a refund, while Cormier demanded to speak to his embassy, ​​Secretary of State Cristina Torres said.

Torres said a federal investigation is underway to prevent these scams from happening in the future.

On Monday, the driver was taken into custody by the National Guard. The criminal was found “working” at Cancun International Airport as if nothing had happened.

For the time being, the Canadian tourist will no longer return to Mexico and advises other foreigners to stay away from this country.

I will never return to Mexico. This is crazy,” said Cormier.

Complaints against taxi fraud and violence in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean continue despite arrests of drivers

This blatant case of extortion adds to a long list of complaints against taxi drivers in Cancun, who have not only overcharged foreigners but also physically assaulted them.

After posting the videos, several people commented that they had experienced similar situations in Cancun and other parts of Quintana Roo state.

In March 2024, a foreign woman and a man were brutally assaulted by a pair of taxi drivers in Playa del Carmen when they refused to pay an exorbitant fare.

The taxi drivers were arrested on charges of “narcommenudeo”(drug retailing), but not to attack the tourists.

In July 2023, two other taxi drivers were arrested in Cancun for attacking a van carrying foreign tourists, as reported by AP.

Safety tips for traveling by taxi in Cancun and the Mexican Caribbean

Traveling by taxi in Cancun and other parts of the Mexican Caribbean is very convenient, but you may encounter scams or violence.

Follow these tips to avoid scams or problems:

Use taxi apps: If possible, use reputable apps like Uber, Didi or Cabify.

Double check when paying by card: Always double-check how much you’ll be charged before tapping your card. Don’t get confused between $USD or $MX.

Agree on the rate before the ride: Agree on the price for your ride before you get into the taxi.

Take a bus or train: This option will help you avoid potential scams and save you money too!

Be respectful: To avoid escalation and potential violence, it is important to be respectful and not rude, even if you are part of the scam. Don’t play the “I’m a tourist!” or the “I’m from… this or that country” card will probably get you into even more trouble.