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Cardi B demands sanctions against Tasha K’s husband in battle to collect $4 million judgment




Cardi B demands sanctions against Tasha K's husband in battle to collect $4 million judgment


Cardi is taking action in court.

April 24, 2024, published at 9:00 AM ET

Cardi B continued to take action in court as part of her effort to collect the $4 million judgment she won in her defamation lawsuit against blogger Tasha K.

This is evident from court documents obtained by RadarOnline.comthe rapper asked the court to force Tasha’s husband Cheickna Kebe to turn over emails that she believes may contain vital information.

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cardi b tasha k bankruptcy sanctions spouse who fails to transfer bankruptcy information
Source: MEGA

Cardi is not backing away from her collection efforts.

A federal jury in 2022 promised Cardi one 7-digit rating after accusing Tasha of spreading vile lies about her online. Tasha tried to appeal the verdict, but was unsuccessful.

For months, Cardi seized Tasha’s earnings from her YouTube channel and various social media platforms. The rapper sent a series of subpoenas to Tasha’s bank accounts to determine where her assets were located.

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cardi b tasha k bankruptcy sanctions spouse who fails to transfer bankruptcy information

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Cardi filed a lawsuit in the bankruptcy, demanding that the judgment not be overturned. “The suspect was given multiple opportunities to retract the false and defamatory statements and videos, but the suspect steadfastly refused,” her lawyer wrote.

The court agreed, ruling that Tasha was on the hook for the $4 million owed in her Chapter 11 case.

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cardi b tasha k bankruptcy sanctions spouse who fails to transfer bankruptcy information
Source: @unwinewithtashak

Tasha K says she doesn’t have the resources to pay the $4 million judgment.

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As we first reported, Cardi has been filing for bankruptcy court for several months. Her legal team has deposed several individuals associated with Tasha K and her husband.

In January, Cardi claimed she discovered multiple domestic and foreign trusts that Tasha and her husband had set up, but which were not disclosed in the bankruptcy filing.


Cardi B

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The rapper said Tasha “failed to disclose its existence and/or untruthfully testified about the following” – The Sambakessi Investment Trust (Cook Islands), Soninkes LLC (Island of Nevis), The Bamako Trust (Kebe Children ILT) ( Georgia), Transrina Management Trust (Georgia) and the Florida Joint Revocable Living Trust.

Tasha’s attorney admitted that the blogger set up the offshore trusts after being sued by Cardi, but never used them.

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“The impending Cardi-B verdict caused Debtor to panic and make hasty decisions that she believed were necessary to protect her family and children. In March 2021, Debtor retained a Georgia attorney for an estate planning package for her and Cheick,” the attorney said. “Because the lawsuit with Cardi-B was still ongoing, each trust was funded with only $10.00 cash; No bank account has ever been set up for any of the domestic trusts and nothing has been transferred to or from any of the trusts to date. The limited partnership was also created, but was valued at $0.00 and was never used by the debtor, Cheick, their family, or any other person or entity. The domestic trusts and limited partnerships are still active, but have no value.”

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In her new motion, Cardi explained that she sent Tasha’s husband a notice in July 2023 asking him to provide documents. She said he objected to almost every request. His lawyer said the documents had already been produced by Tasha.

Cardi said she recently dropped Alicia Thomas, an accountant who worked for Tasha’s husband. Cardi said she discovered the existence of an email address that was actively being used by Mr. Kebe to conduct business. She said this email address had not previously been released, despite being asked to release ALL email addresses he used.

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Additionally, she said it is particularly troubling because the email address appears to be connected to one of the trusts the couple set up that was not initially made public.

“The discovery of this secret email address exposes Mr. Kebe’s contempt for the subpoena and this Court. Consistent with the Kebe’s conduct during these proceedings, Mr. Kebe intentionally withheld documents and communications in response to the 2004 investigation subpoena that he first received on July 19, 2023,” Cardi’s attorney wrote.

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Furthermore, her legal team claimed to have discovered the existence of a previously undisclosed company owned by Mr. Kebe – IBSM Technolgie LLC, while conducting a corporate records check regarding another previously undisclosed Debtor company called Stash Media Works LLC.”

Cardi said the company was founded about a month after Tasha filed for bankruptcy. Her lawyer said: “More importantly, Mr. Kebe was asked what companies he owns, and he failed to disclose the existence of IBMM even though he had only founded it about two months before he was asked.”

The motion added: “Both the debtor and Mr. Kebe made it clear when they admitted under oath that they transferred assets and funds from the debtor to Mr. Kebe in an attempt to avoid the judgment for defamation and seizure of the income of the debtor to avoid. and Mr. Kebe’s attempt to conceal the debtor’s true income by filtering it through Mr. Kebe’s companies is exposed in the latest amended plan and will be addressed separately in an objection to confirmation. Simply put, the debtor’s plan shows that the debtor intends to continue her bad faith efforts to suppress the actual amount of her income in an effort to hinder and delay her [Cardi’s] collection efforts.”

A judge has yet to rule on Cardi’s motion.