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Celebrities who regretted turning down movie roles




Celebrities who regretted turning down movie roles

Smith uploaded a video on YouTube in which he explained why he decided not to take on the role of Neo The Matrixwhich eventually went to Reeves.

“After we made it Men in blackthe Wachowskis, they came in, and they had only made one movie, I think it was called Be bound toand they made a pitch for The Matrix”, he recalled.

Smith continued, “It turns out they’re geniuses, but there’s a fine line in a pitch meeting between a genius and what I experienced at the meeting. This is the actual pitch they made for The Matrix.” “You think: imagine you are fighting, then you jump, imagine if you could stop jumping in the middle of the jump.'”

According to the actor, he didn’t think the movie would have been the same if he had accepted the role, mainly because “Keanu was perfect, Laurence Visburne was perfect.”