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Conservationists confirm second murder of cattle wolf



Conservationists confirm second murder of cattle wolf

A wolf killed a calf in Jackson County this weekend, the second time in less than a week that livestock deaths in Colorado have been attributed to a wolf, wildlife officials confirmed Monday.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials responded Sunday morning to a report of possible depredation of a calf after the animal was found dead with its hindquarters partially eaten. In a news release Monday, CPW said the type of injury is consistent with wolf depredation and that partial wolf tracks have been found in the area.

The agency said it knows of four wolves in the area where the calf was found, including a wolf or wolves with known territory in North Park, as well as gray wolves released into the wild in December in accordance with the 2020 ballot measure that passed by Colorado voters want to reintroduce the predators to the state.

CPW declined to identify the exact location in Jackson County of the weekend wolf kill. Conservationists believe there are 12 wolves in Colorado: the 10 introduced in December and two from a pack that settled in Jackson County after migrating from Wyoming. The wolves released in December were unleashed in Grand County and neighboring Summit County.