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Donald Trump boasts that his Mugshot is ‘the best ever’ at Black Barbershop




Donald Trump boasts that his Mugshot is 'the best ever' at Black Barbershop

“Well, you know, it’s amazing that this happened,” Trump said of the many criminal cases against him. ‘And as you saw, all legal scholars say these are not cases. These are the cases that need to be filed. It’s just terrible. It’s armament. And it comes from the White House. Even as a city and state comes out of the White House to attack a political opponent.”

“But since that happened, black support has been through the roof,” he continued. “And I think they equate it with the problems they’ve had. But since this happened, like the mugshot! The mugshot is the best ever. It was just right Elvis Presley And Frank Sinatra a lot by the way! Beat them by a lot! But that’s the number one mugshot of all time.”

“It’s really an amazing thing,” he added. “Since it happened, support among the black community and the Latinx community has skyrocketed. It was great, really great… The truth is, it’s really a beautiful thing when I see that we have great support in the black community now. and in the Hispanic community, great support.”

If reported, Trump made similar comments about black voters in February. “I was sued for the second time, the third time, and the fourth time, and a lot of people said that’s why black people like me, because they’ve been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they basically saw me as I be discriminated against,” he said.

“Some of the greatest evils in our country’s history have come from corrupt systems that seek to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom and their rights. I think that’s why the black people are on my side so much now because they look what’s up happens to me happens to them.”

“Certain communities come to my father. It is exactly because of this,” Eric Trump reiterated during an appearance on Fox News this weekend. “They’re doing the same thing to Donald Trump as they’ve done to so many of those communities for so long. These people say, ‘Huh, it’s really interesting. They’ve done this to us for a long time. if I tell him, I might want to vote for the guy, you know, who will fight this like we’ve been trying to for so long.”

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Carlo Richmonda former Democratic congressman and White House adviser who is now working on Biden’s reelection campaign called Trump’s comments “absolute foolishness,” adding that “what Black men care about is the economic prosperity and opportunities they have in their communities , and what I’m going to help them support a family, which will help them with entrepreneurship. So what Donald Trump is talking about: those black men are going to like me because I’m a convicted felon. I sell cheap gold tennis shoes.”

“President Biden is going to reiterate that unemployment in the Black community is at an all-time low. Entrepreneurship is at an unprecedented high level. He has closed the racial wealth gap, the smallest it has ever been. And that’s what you’ll see. I think this is one of the best examples of how the two individuals approach things,” Richmond said during an appearance on CNN.

Multiple recent polls have found that while black voters are unhappy with Biden, they dislike Trump even more.