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Donald Trump calls on supporters to vote by mail despite earlier warnings




Donald Trump calls on supporters to vote by mail despite earlier warnings

After losing the 2020 election to Biden, the former president falsely claimed the results were rigged against him, in part because of mail-in ballots.

As previously reported, Trump claimed at a recent rally that a whopping 82% of the country believes the last presidential election was “rigged” in favor of his Democratic opponent.

“We’re not going to let this happen again. Have you ever noticed that they want to go after the people who find out where the cheating took place – and by the way, 82% of the country understands that it was a rigged election? Okay, you can’t have a country with that,” he continued. “A poll came out, 82% – but they’re going after the people – they’re not going after the people who rigged the election – they’re going after the people who are watching, they’re looking for the people who rigged the election. And those are the people they’re going after.”

“They got away with something; they will never get away with it again.”