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Elon Musk says he agrees with JK Rowling’s anti-trans rant, but suggests ‘posting interesting and positive content about other issues as well’




Elon Musk says he agrees with JK Rowling's anti-trans rant, but suggests 'posting interesting and positive content about other issues as well'

Elon Musk has taken to social media to suggest as much Harry Potter author JK Rowlingwho has become known in recent years for her vocal anti-transgender rhetoric, needs to find another topic to talk about, has learned.

The tech billionaire responded to a lengthy tweet from Rowling posted almost a month ago: to write“While I wholeheartedly agree with your points regarding sex/gender, may I suggest posting interesting and positive content on other issues as well?”

In the original 700-word rant, the controversial novelist reiterated that she doesn’t think transgender women are women. “I believe that a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes,” she wrote. “What makes her a woman is the fact that she was born into a body that, assuming nothing has gone wrong in her physical development… is aimed at producing eggs rather than sperm, at getting of children rather than on producing children, and regardless of the circumstances.” whether she has done any of those things, or ever wants to do them.

“Some people have strong beliefs that they should have been, or wanted to be seen as, the sex class they were not born into,” she continued. “Gender dysphoria is a real and very painful condition and I have nothing but sympathy for anyone who suffers from it. I want them to have the freedom to dress and present themselves as they wish, and I want them to have exactly the same rights as anyone else other. However, I don’t believe that surgeries and cross-sex hormones literally make someone the opposite sex, nor do I believe in the idea that each of us has a vague “gender identity” that may or may not correspond to our sexed bodies ideology that preaches these principles has caused and continues to cause very real harm to vulnerable people.”

“I strongly oppose dismantling the rights and protections of women and girls to accommodate trans-identified men, for the very simple reason that no study has ever shown that trans-identified men do not have exactly the same crime patterns as others men. , and because men, no matter how they identify, retain their advantages of speed and strength. In other words, I think the safety and rights of girls and women are more important than those men’s desire for validation.’

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Musk has also made controversial comments about gender identity and pronouns in tweets that resurfaced after his estranged 20-year-old daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson legally changed her last name because she no longer wanted to be “related to my biological father in any way, shape, or form.”

The Tesla founder blamed her private school education for infecting her with the “woke mind virus.” He said he has “very good relationships” with his other children, “I can’t win them all.”