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Francis Ford Coppola Caught on Camera Kissing ‘Megalopolis’ Extras




Francis Ford Coppola Caught on Camera Kissing 'Megalopolis' Extras

One source, who was on set during the nightclub scene, estimated that 150 to 200 people, including background actors and crew, were on set when Coppola began acting.

The filmmaker reportedly kept wandering onto the set to hug and kiss various women, often inadvertently inserting himself into the shot and ruining it, confusing many during production.

The source told the media: ‘I have worked with very important directors, and that behavior is unusual. The most I’ve ever seen a director do is say something like, “Great energy, guys.” I have never seen anyone on set, and this includes a cameraman, but also touching an actor.”

At some point during the shoot, Coppola allegedly grabbed a microphone and announced, “Sorry if I come up and kiss you.” Just know that it is solely for my enjoyment.”