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Generation Z’s adaptability to new technology outweighs brand loyalty



Generation Z's adaptability to new technology outweighs brand loyalty

To capture the interest of younger customers, companies have started experimenting with new technologies, said Larry Secreto, Country Manager of Harman Philippines.

“A lot of young people are not really brand loyal, but are very eager to adapt to new products, new technology and new innovations,” he told BusinessWorld in an interview during the launch of one of their newest products: Soundgear Frames.

From a study published in the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Sciences (IJSES) in 2020, Gen Zers were highly adept at technology because they “grew up on the internet and social media.”

It added that the Filipino Generation Z’s exposure to the online world brought greater exposure to emerging technologies.

“Many of our products attract younger, more Gen Z customers,” Mr. Secreto said.

A study of the IBM Institute for Business Value revealed that only 36 percent of Generation Z (Gen Z) felt a strong connection or loyalty to any brand.

In line with the research, Mr. Secreto shared that older generations are slower to adapt to new technologies due to the lack of knowledge and information.

“There are a lot of hesitations because they don’t understand the full use of the technology,” he said.

Lifestyle change driven by technology

Mr. Secreto believes that technology can improve the lives of Filipinos in several ways, beyond just meeting the needs of the “tech-savvy” Gen Z.

“Some people like to change their lifestyle or adapt to the new lifestyle,” he said of their latest innovation that combined lifestyle and technology.

“Whether it’s your daily grind, weekly hangouts or occasional road trips, hikes and seascapes,” JBL said in a press release.

Mr. Secreto further added that the use of technology has helped people improve their lifestyles.

“I’ve been trying to use this … so I can use my sunglasses and listen to music while I play golf,” he said.

The ever-increasing innovations are not limited to the youth, he said, even as younger generations are more accepting of new technologies.

“Young people like this, but it also applies to older people like me. So basically for everyone,” he said.Almira Louise S. Martinez