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Hurricane Beryl is the first of more than seventeen named tropical storms expected in the Mexican Caribbean this year



Hurricane Beryl Is The First Of More Than 17 Named Tropical Storms Expected In Mexican Caribbean This Year

It has not even been a month since a more active than normal hurricane season is expected to occur in the Mexican Caribbean.

We already have our first hurricane of the year, Beryl, rapidly increasing in intensity as it moves westward into the Caribbean Sea, with the Mexican Caribbean directly in our sights.

According to most computer modelsBeryl is expected to be a category two or three hurricane as current projections indicate it will make landfall on the eastern side of the Yucatan Peninsula.

It’s an ominous start to the hurricane season in the Mexican Caribbean.

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Active hurricane season

According to analysis by the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season could one of the most intense officially.

The Atlantic hurricane season, which includes the Mexican Caribbean, runs from June 1 to November 30 and has an 85 percent chance of being more active than normal. This is due to the warm ocean currents created by the transition from El Niño weather conditions to La Niña.

The United States Weather Bureau expects between 17 and 25 named tropical storms in the Mexican Caribbean this year. This is considered “above normal activity” and would actually be a record in NOAA’s 154 years of predictions.

They expect 8 to 13 to become hurricanes, like Hurricane Beryl, with winds of more than 75 miles per hour. Of these, four to seven are expected to develop to major hurricane status, above category three, with wind speeds of 180 kilometers per hour or higher.

“There is reason to be concerned, but not alarmed,” said Ken Graham, director of the National Weather Service, about a story on the subject. “Yes, it’s the highest number, but it’s about being prepared, right? So it’s time to be prepared.”

Watch out for Beryl

At the time of writing this article, most computer models show Hurricane Beryl making landfall in the Mexican Caribbean travel hotspots of Yucatan sometime on Independence Day in the United States, July 4.

Visitors expecting to go to Cancun, Playa del Carmen or Tulum during the 4th of July long weekend will want to keep an eye on the hurricane’s path and consider making alternate travel plans at this time.

It may even be wise to cancel trips ahead of the possible cancellation of flights to the region. At the time of writing this article, none of the airlines flying into Cancun International Airport or Tulum International Airport have issued advisories regarding the potential landfall of the hurricane.

Travelers who still want to move forward with their travel plans for the 4th of July weekend and can still affordably purchase travel insurance with hurricane coverage should consider doing so immediately.

Tips for travelers

Hurricane season is already underway in the Mexican Caribbean and with the expected landfall of the very first strong storm of the year, it could be a busy period.

Travelers with reservations during hurricane season should plan ahead for the potential impact of many more storms and take steps to protect themselves and the money they spend vacationing in the area.

For those with vacations planned later in the summer, it would be a smart move to cover trip cancellations and trip interruptions, including hurricanes, while it is still available and affordable.

Tourists should also confirm with their airline the hurricane policy for their resort, hotel or vacation rental in the Mexican Caribbean.

Alternative plans should be in place for what looks like a busy hurricane season in the Mexican Caribbean.