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‘I’m not sure where I’m going to live now’




'I'm not sure where I'm going to live now'

Kevin Spacey claimed to have lost his home to foreclosure after draining his finances to combat the wave of sexual assault allegations against him, has learned.

The controversial actor, 64, spoke to the British TV presenter Piers Morgan for an emotional interview that was streamed live on Youtube Tuesday, seven years after he was brought down by the #MeToo movement, and just over a month after a large number new allegations of sexual misconduct were leveled against him.

One of the surprising revelations from their conversation was Spacey’s admission that his ongoing legal troubles had cost him his home in Maryland. The actor said he bought the Baltimore estate in 2012, when production began House of cardsin which he played. The house was nearby filming locations for the Netflix series.

When Morgan asked, “Where do you live now?” Spacey hung his head and appeared to be crying. After a pause, he replied, “Well, it’s funny you ask that question because this week, where I’ve been living in Baltimore, my house is being foreclosed on. My house is being sold at auction.’

“So I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my stuff away,” the actor continued. “So the answer to that question is, I’m not entirely sure where I’m going to live now.”

He further explained that he has called the house home since 2016, along with his business partner and manager. Evan Lowensteinand Lowenstein’s wife, Lucywho have given Spacey unwavering support during his legal troubles.

Spacey said the execution was due to the fact that “I can’t pay the bills I owe.”

When asked about going bankrupt, the actor said, “I’ve thought about filing a few times, but we managed to avoid it. At least, as of today.’

“How much money do you have?” Morgan asked, and Spacey replied, “None,” adding, “Well, you have some sense of legal bills. I still owe a lot of legal bills that I haven’t been able to pay.”

Spacey revealed he was “many millions” of dollars in debt, adding, “The house itself is many millions.”

“What are you going to do?” Morgan wondered, prompting Spacey to respond, “Get back on the horse.” Get back on the horse.’

Spacey recently spoke about his on the Hollywood blacklist because of the allegations against him that date back decades and first came to light in 2017.

Last month, movie stars liked Liam Neeson And Sharon Stone were pushing for the industry to welcome Spacey back into the spotlight, despite new allegations against the actor in a documentary.

Ten men who claimed to have been victims of Spacey’s inappropriate behavior spoke to the British TV channel Channel 4 Spacey unmaskedaired on May 6.

The film followed Spacey’s rise as a closeted gay man and his fall from grace when he became buried under allegations of sexual misconduct.

The Oscar-winning actor was accused of decades-long incidents in both the United States and the United Kingdom, which were separate from the criminal charges of which he was acquitted in both countries.

Spacey defended himself a message on Xwriting: “I will not sit back and be attacked by a dying network’s one-sided ‘documentary’ about me in their desperate bid for ratings. There is a proper channel to deal with allegations against me and it is not Channel 4 .”