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James Carville continues unhinged tirade, claiming Donald Trump has syphilis




James Carville continues unhinged tirade, claiming Donald Trump has syphilis

In response to the photos, Dr. Phillip Chanan associate professor in the Department of Medicine at Brown University and medical director of a publicly funded STD clinic in Rhode Island, said Newsweek that the picture was “not consistent with secondary syphilis.”

“I think the truth that is being speculated about is that, yes, the rash on the palms is a strong indicator in people suffering from secondary syphilis. That is very true. But if you look at pictures on the Internet, for example, you will see that it is usually spread evenly across the palms.

“It’s mostly flat. It usually looks like dots, or you know what we would call a maculopapular rash, which is kind of flat, round spots.

“If you look at what Trump has on his hand, it’s really isolated to one spot on his hand. That’s not really consistent, I would say, with secondary syphilis.”