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Mediterranean diet may protect against Covid-19 infection: study




Mediterranean diet may protect against Covid-19 infection: study

Following a Mediterranean diet may help protect you against new Covid-19 infection as this diet is rich in anti-inflammatory properties,” says a new study.

“The protective mechanism of diet against the progression of viral respiratory diseases has been recognized by several studies,” the authors wrote in the study, published in PLoS One. “As more countries have relaxed personal protective equipment (PPE) and social distancing rules, a nutrition strategy may be more feasible and beneficial in the long term.”

“Our findings suggest that specific food groups in the Mediterranean diet may be important in reducing the risk of COVID-19. More studies need to be conducted before definitive conclusions can be drawn,” she added.

The study highlighted that foods such as olive oil and fish, which are commonly consumed in a Mediterranean diet, are excellent sources of monounsaturated fatty acids and that polyunsaturated fatty acids have properties that can help boost the immune system to fight infections. Virgin olive oil in particular contains phenolic compounds that can exert a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, similar to ibuprofen.

Similarly, legumes also possess peptides, polyphenols and saponins that also act as anti-inflammatory agents.

“Several food subtypes were inversely associated with COVID-19 risk. Higher consumption of olive oil, lower consumption of red meat, lower consumption of grains, moderate amounts of alcohol and higher intake of fruits and nuts reduced the risk of COVID-19, and higher consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts , whole grains and fish reduced the risk of severe COVID-19,” the authors explain. “Inflammation is widely recognized as a critical factor in the development and severity of COVID-19. The initial innate immune response may be followed by a vigorous, uncontrolled inflammatory response called a cytokine storm. Cytokine storm, characterized by excessive inflammation caused by high levels of cytokines.”

Lead author Ceria Halim from the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine department at Universitas Sumatera Utara in Indonesia and colleagues analyzed three observational studies with a total sample size of 52,670 Covid-19 patients. Each study examined the effects of a Mediterranean diet on the severity of Covid-19.

“Another relevant finding was that the adoption of a traditional Mediterranean diet contributed to the improvement of patients with recurrent colds and frequent inflammatory complications, with significantly reduced episodes and symptoms,” the authors added. “Although it may be presumptuous to assume a protective effect of higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet against the symptoms and severity of Covid-19 without convincing evidence.”

In 2022, a study was published in Limits in nutrition also found that a Mediterranean diet could prevent Covid-19 infections. The authors concluded that following a complete Mediterranean diet is much more effective than consuming isolated food products such as olive oil.

A 2020 Frontiers in endocrinology Research reported that people with diabetes could also benefit greatly from this diet and become less susceptible to contracting Covid-19. The authors wrote: “A Mediterranean diet is characterized by a high content of plant foods, olive oil as the main source of fat, a low to moderate intake of fish, dairy products and poultry, a low consumption of red or processed meat. and low to moderate consumption of red wine with meals.”