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Meghan Markle targeted by estranged brother in bizarre YouTube rants




Meghan Markle targeted by estranged brother in bizarre YouTube rants

On Australia VIP Big Brother series in 2021, he admitted: “I said to Prince Harry, I think she’s going to ruin your life. She’s very superficial.”

He later apologized in another letter written later during the show.

“Dear Meghan and Harry, the first thing I want to say to both of you is that I am deeply sorry for the terribly mean letter I wrote to you prior to your wedding,” he read. “And I want you both to know that it didn’t come from the real person that I am, but from a very dark and hurting part of my heart. I’m not a mean person at all and I have more love in me to give than anything also.”

“The letter was clearly written out of me and I felt really hurt and confused when I was informed of your response that I was a distant relative and you didn’t know those people. I was very hurt and confused because of the great bond and relationship we had I grew up together and all I could do was put up a defensive wall to protect my heart.”

“I know it was very immature and wrong and I really regret it. When your relationship with Harry became known to the world, my life became public. I, along with everyone in our family, became public overnight figures. No more privacy. And let me tell you, it was very stressful having to be all alone and no help at all. A real nightmare and constant pressure. knowing what I know now.”