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MH370 mystery ‘solved’ as expert ‘finds missing flight on Google Maps’ in Cambodian jungle




MH370 mystery 'solved' as expert 'finds missing flight on Google Maps' in Cambodian jungle

Simon Hardya Boeing 777 pilot from Britain who took part in the official search for MH370 in 2015 discussed his views on the doomed flight on the anniversary of the tragedy, echoing statements he had previously made to BBC And 60 minutes Australia.

Hardy told The sun that he suspected the pilot, captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah“performed a perfect ditch landing in the ocean,” deliberately downing the plane over the southern Indian Ocean, the outlet reported Monday.

After testing numerous theories with top flight simulators, Hardy had a “eureka moment” about the crash site, based on “technique, not theory.” He was certain that the plane had plunged into the Geelvnick Fracture Zone, a trench hundreds of kilometers deep.