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‘Morning Joe’ gets tense after Joe Biden’s ‘terrible’ debate




'Morning Joe' gets tense after Joe Biden's 'terrible' debate

MSNBCs Morning Joe got tense as co-hosts on Friday Joe Scarborough And Mika Brzezinski debated the implications of the presidency Joe Biden‘s lackluster debate performance against the former president Donald Trump, has learned.

Scarborough, a staunch supporter of Biden, said he fears Trump will win the 2024 election in November “unless there is a change.” Mediaite reports, with Brzezinski responding that she is “not ready to give up on Joe Biden.”

“I love Joe Biden,” Scarborough began. “He can run the country effectively despite the barrage of lies that are constantly coming his way, like Donald Trump’s lies last night. But can he run for president in 2024? Donald Trump lied again and again, and so could Joe Biden. He couldn’t respond to all those lies. He couldn’t check anything Donald Trump said.”

“Not only that, but he missed one layup after another,” Scarborough continued. “He failed to respond effectively to Donald Trump’s attempt to overthrow American democracy on January 6. He couldn’t respond effectively to Donald Trump’s constant stream of lies about his own record, and he couldn’t even respond effectively to the issue of abortion. , where for some reason he went wild on the immigration issue.

“We asked: why is this race close? We have no idea why this race is close. We saw last night why this race was close, and why I fear Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States. unless something changes.”

Brzezinski jumped in after contributor Mike Barnicle agreed that Biden let “every fastball” fly by him in the debate. ‘Calm down everyone, and I’ll tell you why. It’s okay not to distort what happened last night, and we’re not going to do that. He had a terrible night,” she said.

‘Mika, everyone is calm here. You’re the only one raising your voice. Everyone is calm here,” Scarborough fired back.

“It’s the, ‘Let’s withdraw this immediately, let’s put an end to this, let’s find someone else,'” Brzezinski said. “That attitude towards this… that’s what I’m saying: Take it easy, because again, there’s no twist to it, but let’s stay balanced. For once, let’s show some balance in a media world so stark with imbalance.”

“We always show balance,” Scarborough countered. “Second, no one panics. I said these are questions the Democrats and Joe Biden need to ask themselves, and Mike said he was missing one throw after another down the middle, and he wasn’t against it last night… There’s no panic at this point understand what is at stake in this election.”