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New Real Madrid signing Kylian Mbappe says PSG have threatened not to play him after failing to renew his contract



New Real Madrid signing Kylian Mbappe says PSG have threatened not to play him after failing to renew his contract

Kylian Mbappe may be basking in the glow created by his move to Real Madrid has been confirmed by the Spanish giants last Monday, but he admitted at a press conference on Tuesday as France captain that he almost didn’t play for Paris Saint-Germain last season. Sports advisor Luis Campos and head coach Luis Enrique were credited by the 25-year-old with playing a key role in preventing him from being permanently banned after opting out of the final year of his contract at Parc des Princes, which led to him was frozen. during the preseason.

“I was told by them that I would not play for PSG anymore. They told me that to my face and in a brutal way,” Mbappe said of the French champion’s position following his decision not to renew his contract. “Luis Enrique and Luis Campos saved me and without them I wouldn’t have set foot on the pitch again. Just the fact that I could play was a great source of pride. It’s clear that I wouldn’t be satisfied if next year would go the same way as last year.” although.”

With his move to Real now official, Mbappe can focus on UEFA Euro 2024 with Les Bleus without worrying about his future, as well as clarity over the Paris Olympics this summer, after Thierry Henry’s provisional squad was named without the new signing from Los Blancos. Mbappe insists it would be unfair to think his entire last PSG campaign was miserable, although he believes this would have offended the likes of Campos and Luis Enrique who defended him.

“I was not unhappy with PSG and it would be embarrassing in the face of those who defended me to say that. I was always happy,” Mbappe added at Tuesday’s press conference. “Things made me unhappy, but a player like me cannot show that because I am a leader. I had to try to be as positive as possible and the players and the club staff supported me in that. It would not be in the right sense to to say that.” I was unhappy, but there were things and people that made me unhappy.”

Mbappe reiterated his elation at finally sealing a move to Real after years linked with the Spanish and European champions, but also admitted he can’t enjoy it for too long as France need him for this European Championship summer in Germany.

“This is a dream come true and it’s very emotional,” he said. “I am very happy, liberated, relieved and proud. I am very excited to go to such a big club – the best in the world. Thank you to the people who sent me messages and to those who played a role in this. ” It’s a great day for me, but we must return to other, more rational matters. I have responsibilities as captain of the French national team.”

Mbappe also hinted that his on-off playing time at PSG towards the end of the season, when it became clear he was leaving, has affected his fitness and that work will be needed to get back to his best for the European Championship.

“It’s a big relief and I’m very happy. I think you can see that on my face,” he added. “At the end of the season I played less and everyone knows why that was. You have to adapt when you are a high-level player and that is no excuse for this European Championship. I am trying to get back to my best possible form. ” to help France triumph. A happy man is more likely to perform well than an unhappy man – but there is no excuse for past performance, and that won’t win games.”

Mbappe and France are in Group D with Poland, the Netherlands and Austria, with the Austrians first in Dusseldorf and the Poles last in Dortmund, either side of the Dutch in Leipzig later this month.