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New York students admit they have no idea what they’re protesting against



New York students admit they have no idea what they're protesting against

Students at US universities set up encampments to protest the war in Gaza.

A video circulating online shows two anti-Israel protesters at New York University struggling to explain the purpose of the demonstrations. The clip, posted to

“I think the main goal is just to show our support for Palestine and demand that NYU stop… I honestly don’t know everything that NYU does,” she admitted.

When asked if there is “anything NYU is doing,” the student replied, “I really don’t know, I’m pretty sure they are.”

She turned to her friend and asked if she knew what NYU was doing? The friend, who was wearing a mask, replied, “About what?” The first woman then asked, “About Israel. Why are we protesting, specifically here at NYU?” The friend replied, “I wish I was more educated.”

The first student said she was from Columbia: “We came down, they said NYU needed our support. I heard there were a lot of police and people said it was getting dangerous.”

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani commented on the video, saying: “The young woman in this video is the perfect example of the modern American left and their indoctrination of young people. They do not know what they are doing and serve as a tool for something much more sinister,” the newspaper said Fox news. “She is just one of many examples of the deterioration of our education system here in America,” he said.

The protester in the video is a Fordham University student who traveled to Columbia and NYU to support other protesters. More than 150 protesters at NYU were arrested Monday. However, protests continued at NYU on Wednesday after a strike the day before.

Students at US universities set up encampments to protest the war in Gaza and US support for Israel. In addition to calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, students are also demanding an end to US military aid to Israel and divestments in universities from companies that profit from the conflict. They also seek relief for students and teachers who have been disciplined or fired for their participation in anti-Israel protests.