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OJ Simpson showed photos of his ex-wife years after her murder




OJ Simpson showed photos of his ex-wife years after her murder

Charles Ehrlichan accomplice in the former nfl star’s 2007 armed robbery in las vegas, told the New York Post“Him, his wife, his family – together… They were everywhere.”

OJ’s accomplice said he met the Football Hall of Famer at a banquet dinner in Miami in the early 2000s, and he reportedly believed ‘The Juice’ was innocent of the murder of his wife and her friend Ron Goldman.

“If you did something so heinous, and you had pictures of your ex-wife all over the house, you wouldn’t want to remember something like that, would you?” he told the outlet, insisting that the former athlete would burst into tears when asked about Nicole.

He recalled the controversial figure saying: ”[I] would never have done something so terrible. ”