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Pollster Suggests Joe Biden Should Drop Out As Approval Rating Hits ‘All Time Low’




Pollster Suggests Joe Biden Should Drop Out As Approval Rating Hits 'All Time Low'

A top researcher introduced the sitting president Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race because his approval ratings are at an “all-time low.” has learned.

Despite presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump He has been convicted of 34 felonies — while facing three other criminal charges — and remains a threatening opponent as Biden’s approval rating falls amid dissatisfaction on several key voting issues.

“Biden just hit a new low in approval (37.4%),” wrote Silver, data analyst and founder of FiveThirtyEight. an X post on June 10.

“Cutting out would be a big risk. But there is a threshold below which continuing to run is a greater risk. Are we there yet? I don’t know. But it’s more than fair to ask.”

Silver suggested that the Democratic party “would have been better served” if the 81-year-old Biden had decided not to seek re-election.

‘What is clearer [in my opinion] is that Democrats would have been better served if Biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term, which could have given them the semblance of a primary process and given voters a say among the many popular Democrats across the country. ” the pollster added.

Silver is not alone in his belief that Biden should have endorsed another lawmaker to lead the Democratic party instead of seeking re-election. Voters on both sides of the aisle have expressed dissatisfaction with their choice of candidates ahead of the November election.

Democrats have expressed concerns about the 81-year-old’s age and ability to lead the nation for another four years, as well as their disappointment with Biden’s handling of the ongoing conflict in Gaza and immigration policies.

Meanwhile, Republican support for the presumptive nominee is divided, especially in light of Trump’s recent criminal conviction and apparent vow that he will use the Oval Office to exact revenge on his perceived political opponents if elected.

Social media users voiced their opinions on Biden’s alleged misstep in announcing his 2024 campaign.

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“Yes. Biden should have announced sometime in January or February 2023 that he was not running. It would have given his vice president a chance to make a different impression on voters and given other Democrats a chance at a solid primary,” said one X user. I responded to silver’s message.

In a separate post, another user implored the ex-president to abandon his campaign: “Trump must drop out immediately.”

“He is a convicted felon, he faces enormous future legal dangers, it is completely inappropriate for a man like him to run for president of the United States. There are other Republicans who could run in his place. should not be discussed.”