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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle accused of speaking in ‘inauthentic’ tones




Prince Harry and Meghan Markle accused of speaking in 'inauthentic' tones

“Not only was it fast and loose with the truth, a lot of it was complete nonsense,” he added when giving his thoughts on the duo’s blockbuster 2022 Netflix documentary. Harry & Meghan.

About the couple’s recent relationship four-day tour through Colombia‘, he continued: ‘They tried to give it the impression of a quasi-royal tour, they had elements of politics and elements of caring for young children. Ultimately, what I don’t understand is whether Meghan and Harry if they wanted to do “quasi-royal tours,” why wouldn’t they stick around and do it properly? Then they would have done it for the king and the country, and that’s what Harry always talks about.”

Highlighting how the Montecito couple could avoid being accused of “cashing in” on their former royal status, the writer further noted, “Just do things that are authentic, and just do things that are real, rather than staged with lots of outfits. changes.”

Jobson concluded, “I think maybe they can just do some real work in America and people will start to believe you.”