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Reisexpo aims to stimulate VisMin tourism



Reisexpo aims to stimulate VisMin tourism

Cagayan de Oro City, also called the “City of Golden Friendships” for its local hospitality, will host the first-ever travel event of the Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA) in the Visayas and Mindanao (VisMin) region.

The TravelTour Expo (TTE) 2024, launched by the PTAA, aims to showcase the beauty and travel destinations of the region.

The three-day travel event will take place from July 19 to July 21 at the LimketKai Atrium in Cagayan de Oro City, the PTAA said.

“We believe that this vibrant and hospitable city will bring us happiness and promote business relationships. Let us support this event that highlights the beauty and diversity of the Philippines.” PTAA President Evangeline Tankiang-Manotok said in her opening statement.

The agency aims to make the Mindanao region the “pioneering destination” in the Philippines, among other famous destinations in the country.

“Mindanao is so colorful and I believe Cagayan has so much potential,” Ms. Tankiang-Manotok added.

PTAA also aims to strengthen local travel agencies in the region by acquiring more market and potential customers during the upcoming travel event.

“Instead of this local agency having to deal with another private agency in Manila to pick up their HongKong parcels…European parcels, we could take ourselves to them,” PTAA’s relationship officer Jaison Yang explained.

The TTE 2024 will be a one-stop platform for travel enthusiasts to explore travel options with more than 50 exhibitors, including airlines, hotels, resorts, local travel agencies and tourism boards, as they showcase their travel offerings through exhibitions and booths.

The expo is expected to attract 20,000 to 40,000 feet of visitors through the 132 booths at the trade travel event, reflecting the growing interest in travel in the Philippines.

With high hopes for the success of the CDO event, PTAA plans that the next venue of the TTE will be in Iloilo (Visayas) in 2025. – Edg Adrian A. Eva