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Republicans whine about debate format ahead of event



Republicans whine about debate format ahead of event

Many Republican pundits appear particularly concerned about the format of the debate, which will take place in a TV studio without an audience, allowing the candidates to speak without interruption.

In fact, Biden or Trump’s microphone will be automatically turned off when the time limit expires, and an effort will be made to fact-check their statements.

The Biden campaign has created those conditions to prevent the debate from turning into a train wreck like the first presidential debate in 2020.

That may be bad for him, but it was great news for conservative news media because it gave them another excuse to clutch their pearls about how unfair the world is to Trump.

Ron Filipkowski, a former Republican and prosecutor who is now an outspoken Trump critic, posted a supercut showing several conservative pundits and politicians ruminating, whining, whining (and perhaps pissing and groaning) about the debate format.

Oh, and yes, there are a lot of unsubstantiated suggestions that Biden will be drug-hopped. Thanks for asking.