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Rob Schneider’s most controversial moments




Rob Schneider's most controversial moments

Schneider’s controversial comments quickly led to his removal from the stage of a charity event. According to eyewitnesses, he offended attendees and patrons of the Hospitals of Regina Foundation with his anti-vaccination and anti-trans jokes.

“Everyone in the room was groaning and saying, ‘What’s going on?’ As if they were whispering to themselves. Occasionally not a single smile, ‘attendee of the event Tynan Allan told CBC. “It was just very clear how uncomfortable everyone felt and how unacceptable the things he was talking about were.”

The foundation also released a statement about Schneider’s appearance, explaining why they decided to end his appearance earlier than intended.

“While we recognize that individuals in a free and democratic society are entitled to their views and opinions and that comedy is intended to be edgy, the content, views and opinions expressed during Mr. Schneider’s set do not reflect with the values ​​of our Foundation and team,” the statement said. “We tolerate, accept, endorse or share Mr. Schneider’s views as expressed during his comedy set and recognize that the performance in this case did not meet the expectations of our audience and our team.”