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Sun poisoning on the lips: treatment and tips from experts




Sun poisoning on the lips: treatment and tips from experts
YYou just spent a day at the beach and now your lips are red and swollen and feel like they are on fire. So…should you be concerned? You may be dealing with sun poisoning on your lips, which is essentially an extremely serious sunburn that can cause symptoms all over the body if not addressed quickly.

“The lips are particularly susceptible to sunburn and sun damage,” says Azadeh Shirazi, MDa board-certified dermatologist in La Jolla, California.

Not only is the skin on your lips ultra-thin and delicate, it also doesn’t have as much protective pigment (also called melanin) compared to the skin on other parts of your body. Applying shiny balms or glosses without SPF makes matters worse. “The shine of these products actually increases the sun’s UV rays and intensifies the degree of damage,” adds Dr. Shirazi.

Fortunately, there are ways to treat and prevent sun poisoning on your lips. Here are the signs to look out for, other symptoms, home remedies and whether you should see a dermatologist for help.

Signs of sun poisoning on the lips

You can get sun poisoning on your lips as part of a severe, body-wide burn. But it’s also possible that your lips will get significantly worse sunburn than the rest of your skin because your lips are so thin and fragile, Dr. Shirazi points out. “It often occurs 12 to 24 hours after sun exposure,” she adds.

Common signs of sun poisoning may include the following, according to the website Cleveland Clinic:

  • Severe redness
  • Pain or tenderness
  • Blisters or peeling of the skin
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • In severe cases, fainting or shortness of breath

And what does sunscreen on the lips look like? Especially severely burned and sunburned lips may have some additional symptoms, including the following, according to Dr. Shirazi:

  • Severe redness
  • Swelling
  • Fluid-filled blisters from sun exposure
  • Severe pain that makes it difficult to eat, drink or talk
  • Itch
  • Dryness, peeling and scabbing as the burn begins to heal

“The lips are especially susceptible to sunburn and sun damage.” – Azadeh Shirazi, MD, dermatologist

How to treat sun poisoning on the lips

You may be able to treat sun poisoning on your lips with home remedies, provided the burn does not cause systemic symptoms (where you actually feel sick). The go-to pacifiers are pretty similar to what you would try for severe sunburn elsewhere on your body, with a few extra precautions to be gentle on your lips.

If you’re wondering what to put on sunburned lips (or how to treat them in general), try the following, according to the Mayo Clinic and dr. Shirazi:

  • Get out of the sun: Seek shade or, if possible, air conditioning.
  • Start by drinking plenty of water: Sunburn can dehydrate you. Even if it’s uncomfortable on your lips, try taking sips to avoid drying out even more.
  • Apply a cold compress: A bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel works great to reduce inflammation and give you quick relief. (Just avoid putting ice directly on the area—this can irritate your lips.) Apply for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, and repeat as necessary, Dr. advises. Shirazi.
  • Use an antiseptic spray: Sun-damaged lips are at risk for infection. Keep germs at bay and encourage your skin to heal by applying an antiseptic spray with hypochlorous acid, such as SkinSmart Antimbiotic Wound Therapy. “It is gentle on the skin, antimicrobial and safe to use on the delicate lip mucosa,” says Dr. Shirazi.
  • Try aloe vera: One of the best products after sunburn is regular aloe vera gel. An aloe-based balm like AziMD Skincare SootheHC can also soothe red, irritated lips. “Store them in the refrigerator and apply them cold,” she adds.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever: Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce some of the swelling, making you feel more comfortable.
  • Use a Healing Lip Balm: Once your lips start to peel, apply a healing balm like CeraVe Healing Ointment or regular Vaseline. “It helps retain moisture, forms a barrier and allows lips to recover,” says Dr. Shirazi. As for options like coconut oil or shea butter? They can be moisturizing, but they’re also more likely to irritate sensitive skin, so you might want to stay away from them, she adds.
  • Leave your blisters alone: A sun poisoning rash on the lips can often cause small blisters. Your risk of infection will increase dramatically if you start popping or picking, so try to avoid picking as much as possible.

How to prevent sun poisoning on the lips

In addition to the usual sun protection tips (think wearing sunscreen, reapplying it every two hours, and trying to stay in the shade when the sun’s rays are strongest), there are a few additional things you can do to protect your skin. protect lips from sun damage. . Attempt:

  • Wearing an SPF lip sunscreen or balm: Look for products with SPF 30 or higher, Dr. advises. Shirazi. Try SunBum SPF 30 Lip Balm or Burt’s Beets SPF 30 Lip Balm. Avoid wearing glossy or glossy lip products that don’t have SPF when you’re out in the sun. They will really fry your lips.
  • Applying sunscreen to your lips: If you don’t have a special lip balm for sun protection, regular sunscreen will do the trick, says Dr. Shirazi. (Check out our SPF Awards for the best recs!)
  • Wearing a hat with a wide brim: It’s not a replacement for sunscreen, but it can give your lips some extra coverage.

When should you consult a doctor?

If you think your sunburn has turned into sun poisoning (that is, you have other symptoms such as pain, fatigue, fever, or vomiting), seek medical attention as soon as possible. At this point, severe dehydration can occur and you may need IV fluids to restore your hydration levels.

Your doctor may also check to see if you need medications for sun poisoning on the lips, such as steroids or antibiotics, according to the Cleveland Clinic.


How long does it take for sun damaged lips to heal?

Healing time varies depending on how bad your burn is. But in general, you can expect your lips to recover in about a week, says Dr. Shirazi. If a rash keeps appearing on your lips and skin after sun exposure, you may have a sun allergy. You can control this by staying in the shade as much as possible and cooling your skin when you enter.

What does sun damage on lips look like?

At first, your severely burned lips may look like they’ve been stung by a bee (think: very red, swollen, or swollen). As the damage begins to heal, you may experience a lot of dryness, cracking, or peeling, as if you were in the desert for days without water… or lip balm. In the long term, sun damage may appear as discolored skin (i.e. age spots), freckles, or wrinkles. Yale Medicine.

How do you tell the difference between sun poisoning on the lips and a cold sore?

Cold sores are small, fluid-filled blisters that can form on your lips. Unlike sunburn, cold sores are the result of a viral infection and not from sun exposure Mayo Clinic. In addition, the symptoms are usually limited to the area where the blisters are located. They may be mildly itchy, tingling, or uncomfortable, but they don’t cause redness and swelling over your lips like sun poisoning would.

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