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Teen mom-dads write heartfelt letters to their children for Father’s Day



Teen mom-dads write heartfelt letters to their children for Father's Day

Gary Shirley, Tyler Baltierra, Zach Davis and Taylor McKinney Thanks to Instagram

The fathers of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter are ready to celebrate their children this Father’s Day weekend.

For several years now, reality stars have been featured Tyler Baltierra, Gary Shirley, Sean Austin, Zach Davis And Taylor McKinney have allowed MTV cameras to follow the highs and lows of fatherhood. Although the road has been full of surprises, one thing is clear: every one Teen mom star has a love for their children that is difficult to summarize.

“The highs are just seeing how they always look to you for safety and protection,” Tyler, 32, shared exclusively We weekly on Wednesday, June 12. “Every time one of my kids gets hurt, they always ask, ‘Where’s Dad?’ They run right past their mother. These girls love their daddy and I enjoy it every time.”

“I feel a great responsibility with it,” said the former 16 and pregnant star added when discussing paternity. “It’s been a wonderful journey and I honestly wouldn’t trade it for anything else.”

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Where has the time gone? Teen Mom premiered on MTV in 2009 and the children of Catelynn Lowell, Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout and Farrah Abraham are all grown up. Abraham has even been criticized for her daughter’s maturity. The Ex on the Beach star faced backlash after she shared a video of Sophia dancing […]

In honor of Father’s Day weekend, Us asked Tyler and the fathers of Teen mom to write a letter to their children. What followed were notes filled with care, support and lots of love.

Teen mom dads share personal letters to their kids in honor of Father's Day

Tyler Baltierra Courtesy of Tyler Baltierra/Instagram

Tyler Baltierra

“Dear daughters Carly, Nova, Vaeda and Rya,

I just want you to know that my love for you will never have any conditions. It will never have demands or expectations. It will always be biologically focused on the acceptance, support and protection of your beautiful spirit. It is a fatherly love that is eternal and invincible. But as your father, I of course have hopes and dreams for you. I hope you always fight for what you believe in and never be afraid to speak up when necessary.

I hope and wish that you:
ALWAYS STAY true to your intuition
To allow yourself enough GRACE to heal when you need to
To NEVER BETRAYAL for the sake of the comfort of others.
To always USE FEAR as an OPPORTUNITY to PROVE to YOURSELF what you are truly CAPABLE of, every time it challenges you.
& always remember…
You are beautiful
You are strong
You are WORTHY
You are safe

The world only becomes brighter and worthier to be in the longer you stay in it. I love you more than I could ever express with words! From the first man who ever loved you, Dad.”

Teen mom dads share personal letters to their kids in honor of Father's Day

Gary Shirley Thanks to Gary Shirley/Instagram

Gary Shirley

“Dear Lea and Emilee,

You are my entire world, whom I love and adore with all my heart. I know that one day I won’t be here anymore, so my biggest job now is to raise you independently and pursue your dreams. You can do anything you put your mind to.

Leah – I love the person you have become. You are very sweet and help around the house without being asked. You listen very well even though you are still a child. You’re not perfect, but in my eyes you are. Peer pressure doesn’t affect you, although I’m sure it’s hard to follow the less popular view, but it’s the smartest thing you can do. One day you will be an excellent mother, in a long time 🙏. I thank the lord that you are with me and I am here to protect you.

Emilee — you brighten my heart ♥️. You are an extraordinary girl. You are a smart, quirky and very funny boy. One thing I love is how much you look like me. You are very kind-hearted, even when other children are not kind. You have set a good example for them. You always get compliments from the teachers, you have a great attitude and I know you will keep your big sister safe.

I can’t wait to see you both continue to grow into young women, actually…I can, please stay young forever.”

Teen mom dads share personal letters to their kids in honor of Father's Day

Zach Davis Courtesy of Zach Davis/Instagram

Zach Davis

“Dear Ryder and Ace,

Being your father is the greatest title I have ever held. I always knew I wanted a family, but I could never have anticipated how wonderful you two really are. Being your father means being a guiding light to you and showing you the way through love, wisdom and example. I hope to do that for you.

Watching you both grow from your mother’s womb to now, at 7 and 3 years old, has been an endless journey of giving and receiving love. Together we have created incredible memories, and I pray that I can always offer you strength, comfort, support and love. Thank you for choosing me as your father!

With all my love, Dad / Dad Z.”

Teen mom dads share personal letters to their kids in honor of Father's Day

Taylor McKinney Courtesy of Maci Bookout/Instagram

Taylor McKinney

“Dear Bentley, Jayde and Maverick,

Being your father is the best thing there is. My biggest thrill is seeing you work towards and achieve your goals. I want you all to know that I will always be there to love and support you.

Bentley – you have taught me more about being a father than you will ever know. I didn’t know what I was getting into, but it was so much fun. I immediately enjoyed your playfulness and your love for sports. I admire the way you pull yourself through the fires you’ve had to endure. I don’t know many young men who could live the same life as you and still walk around with their heads held high. Your character is second to none. Never change who you are.

'Teen Mom' star Maci Bookout's family album featuring her three children: Bentley, Jayde and Maverick

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Maci Bookout is the proud mother of Bentley, Jayde and Maverick – and she’s documented her children’s greatest achievements over the years. The Teen Mom star became a parent for the first time when she was in high school and gave birth to son Bentley – whom she shares with ex Ryan […]

Jayde – you are one of the sweetest and smartest people I have ever known. The world does not deserve your kindness to others. You are so sympathetic to people and always want to make sure everyone has a friend. I love how much you love school and that you strive to be good at it. I also love your energy on the ball field and with your teammates. You always keep the atmosphere high and have a positive attitude. Never change who you are.

Maverick — You’re an absolute spitfire and I love it. You’re a maniac in all the best ways. You are a tough guy and although you may be small, you are fierce. Dynamite comes in small packages. I hope you believe in yourself as much as I do. When I look at you, I truly believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. I love your tenacity in every sport you play. You are daring and reckless. Never change who you are.

I can’t wait to see where you all go with your lives. I’m lucky to be part of the journey. I really love being your father! Never change who you are!”

Teen mom dads share personal letters to their kids in honor of Father's Day

Sean Austin Courtesy of Jade Cline/Instagram

Sean Austin

“Dear Kloie,

What I want you to know is that no matter what, no matter what’s going on, I will always be there for you, no matter what you need. Whether you need advice, inspiration, or motivation – I want you to know that you can always count on Dad!

I’m proud of you because you’re officially a first-grader! It looks like we recently enrolled you in pre-k, and now you’re a full-fledged first grader! I can not believe it!

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It’s been quite a journey for the cast of Teen Mom. The series launched in December 2009 as the first spin-off of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant. The debut season followed the lives of Maci Bookout, Catelynn Lowell, Amber Portwood and Farrah Abraham, who all experienced very different journeys during their teen pregnancies. In season 5, […]

The best part about being a dad is watching you grow, get smarter, and blossom. You can do anything you put your mind to! I see it happening right before my eyes every day and it is the best gift of life (and my wife’s). Jade Clijn) have given me!

I look forward to traveling with you. I didn’t have much exposure to traveling as a child; I didn’t get the chance to leave the country until I was in my late twenties. To show you what else the world has to offer at such a young age is a dream come true!”

Teen Mom: The Next Chapter airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on MTV