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The best techniques to improve your memory in a busy world




best memory boosting techniques

People often confuse a weak memory with a bad memory. They complain of a weak memory. It is not a weak memory, but a poor collection of information. How sad it is when you can’t remember the name of someone you met in the past.

What impression does it give to someone else if you regretfully say that you have forgotten their name?

In this busy and competitive world, people forget phone numbers, passwords and PIN codes. It not only stops the work but also irritates you if you don’t remember. Sometimes you curse yourself for not remembering things.

There are several tools and techniques that can help you improve your memory. It’s not a big challenge, but it does require a little more concentration and effort. The human brain is very complex. You need to know how to take advantage of it to improve your memory.

In this context it is desirable to know briefly something about memory.

What is memory?

Memory is a mental activity in which stored information is recalled and retrieved when necessary. It is divided into two types: short term and long term. In short-term memory, information is stored for a few seconds or minutes.

In long-term memory, on the other hand, information is stored for a longer period of time. When people listen to others, they automatically feed into their minds whether they want to register for the short or long term, depending on the importance of information.

Techniques to improve your memory

  • Open your mind and provide instructions to encode new information.
  • Concentration is the key to a good memory. Discover ways to improve your concentration.
  • Stay focused on one thing at a time. Don’t multitask. When you feel that the information is important, you need to put more effort and concentration so that you can remember it well.
  • Avoid noises, interruptions and external disturbances while listening.
  • Do things slowly because it strengthens your memory.
  • Call people by their names when you introduce them. For example: “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Robert.” Match the people’s names to famous people that you have already registered in your head so that you can remember them better. Create visual images in your mind.
  • When you speak louder, you can remember better while listening to your voice. Keep a diary in which you write down important information.
  • Prioritize the information as you receive it. It helps in retaining the important information. Instead of typing the information, you can write with your hand because it activates muscle memory, which stores the information.
  • There are several games on television and online to improve your memory. Playing the same will prove useful.
  • Assimilate the information rather than reading the content for the sake of reading. It helps your memory.
  • If you find it difficult to remember large content, you can divide it into small parts. Memorize every little part and mentally compose the same for final memorization.
  • Relate the information to your real live events through pictorial visualization as this helps with recall.
  • Research shows that people can remember between 5 and 9 items at a time. If you can divide the information between 5 and 9 items, it will be easy for you to remember and remember.
  • People have a natural tendency to remember rhymes and rhythms. Therefore, convert your content accordingly for effective memory.
  • Go to bed without worrying too much. If you go to bed and think about the problems, you will get better solutions the next morning.
  • Relax your mind when it is blocked by memory recall. Focus your thoughts on other issues. To your surprise, you will remember what you wanted as your brain searches for the information.
  • Avoid anxiety and stress as this blocks your memory. Apply relaxation techniques.
  • Tap into your inner dialogue. Every individual is involved in self-talk, also called inner dialogue. Repeated conversations in your mind strengthen and help your memory.
  • When you talk to others about new concepts, it not only improves your communication skills but also helps you remember complicated information.
  • Just as you train your body, you must also train your memory muscles.
  • Finally, eat nutritious food as it keeps your body and mind healthy. It helps in effective memory.

Memory techniques for students

  1. Students should review the information they receive in class within a day so that they can retain it effectively. By writing down the points the teacher has taught during the lesson, they can immediately review and revise them.
  2. Students should focus on the keywords while reading the content as it helps them analyze, understand and remember the content. Read the content repeatedly if possible.
  3. Develop your mnemonic that requires the first letters of each word to be framed as a word to help you remember it better. It helps students, especially during exams.
  4. Use highlighters and colored pens while reading the text and apply them depending on the importance and priority of the content. It helps in saving time and also improves memory.
  5. Find out what kind of senses are comfortable and ideal for you and use them for better memory.
  6. “A picture says more than a thousand words,” the saying goes. Use pictures, graphs and diagrams to help your memory.
  7. Write and rewrite the content repeatedly as it enriches your content and not only helps your memory.

We are all blessed with fond memories

Memory is not the privilege of a gifted few. Knowing that is a skill you can easily cultivate. But you have to make regular efforts to achieve amazing results. Memory tips help everyone including children, students and working people to achieve success.

We are all blessed with fond memories. Unfortunately, we do not realize and exploit this. Effective use of memory helps improve interpersonal relationships, builds bridges, and ensures overall success.