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The Dutch agency will report the main results of the work in 2023



The Dutch agency will report the main results of the work in 2023

Border controls, recalls and inspection data are some highlights from the 2023 annual report of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

In 2023, 47 percent of the NVWA’s capacity was focused on food safety supervision. Supporters include third parties, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV). The work is divided into eight areas where most efforts are taking place in the meat supply chain. A start has been made on setting up food safety supervision on primary agricultural companies.

According to the NVWA, the number of reports from EU member states, companies and consumers about potentially unsafe food and feed is increasing. To meet this demand, the agency uses a methodology that allows it to prioritize reports based on risk.

The NVWA is investigating how food safety culture can be monitored and how sensor technology and artificial intelligence can be used for smarter supervision of slaughterhouses. An event on modern inspections and new technology took place in February 2024.

Fraud, recalls and border controls
Two fraud cases investigated by the Intelligence and Investigation Service (NVWA-IOD) involved suspected falsification of documents and the provision of information in connection with a meat recall and tampering with information during the export of chicken meat for the purpose of reducing import duties. in the EU. country of destination.

125 warnings have been published regarding unsafe foods. Nearly half of these recalls were due to undeclared allergens, while 27 were due to bacteria and other agents, and 19 were due to foreign object contamination.

In 2023, the volume of animals and animal products entering the EU via the Netherlands decreased, but the import volume of non-animal food increased. The number of shipments refused for import or transit was 731 for products of animal origin and 225 for food and feed of non-animal origin.

Of all customer contacts received, 3,382 related to possible food poisoning in sectors such as the catering industry. People also reported unsafe products, suspicions of animal neglect and hygiene problems in the catering industry via social media.

In 2023, the NVWA carried out 33,657 inspections at 16,028 companies, a slight decrease compared to 2022. In 2023, measures were imposed at 7,364 companies. Nearly 18,500 checks took place in catering establishments.

More than 6,500 companies were checked for compliance with the rules for providing allergen information. Compliance was slightly higher than previous years at 44.4 percent. During the subsequent reinspections, improved compliance was noted, up to 68.2 percent. Compliance with allergen information for non-prepackaged foods improved compared to 2022 for catering companies.

In the catering industry, the number of emergency closures increased in the autumn and was often related to pests. With the change in the law in the field of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) at the end of December 2023, inspectors will be further trained on this subject with an extensive project in 2024.

Twenty slaughterhouses were discussed in enforcement meetings. Of these, seven ended up in the enhanced supervision process. Of the twenty slaughterhouses, three have surrendered their accreditation, meaning they are no longer allowed to slaughter animals.

Findings from public polls
A study in the Netherlands shows that consumer confidence in food safety has declined in the period 2021 to 2023.

In January 2023, a total of 3,694 consumers participated in the NVWA consumer monitor via an online questionnaire. Respondents indicated on a scale of 1 to 5 to what extent they agreed with various statements.

The average scores for ‘food is becoming safer’, ‘in general there are few risks associated with food’ and ‘I am optimistic about food safety’ all fell. The percentage that (completely) agrees that foods are safe is still 81 percent and 67 percent are satisfied with food safety.

In 2021, half of respondents said food was becoming safer, while in 2023, 44 percent agreed. One in five are concerned about the safety of food and 14 percent say that confidence in food safety has fallen over the past six months.

The participants were also asked about the safety of 21 different product groups. On a scale of 1 to 5, consumers had the most confidence in fruit and vegetables and the least in ready-made meals. However, confidence in the safety of the majority of products, including nuts, cheese, eggs, fish and meat substitutes, has decreased.

Respondents had the most confidence in food safety information from consumer associations, TV programs such as Radar, but also from farm shops and specialty stores. The NVWA and the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) are in the middle of the list of trusted groups, while social media and food manufacturers are at the bottom.

Overall trust in government regarding food safety has declined between 2021 and 2023. Openness about food safety is again rated the lowest, with only a quarter of people agreeing with this statement.

From a list of 30 topics, participants were mainly concerned about food waste, microplastics, hormones in meat and substances such as PFAS and dioxins.

More than 1 in 5 respondents remembers an incident in the past year in which food safety was jeopardized or trust was damaged. This is an increase from 2021, but a decrease from 2019. Bird flu was the most commonly cited incident, but fipronil in eggs was also marked at 8 percent, despite this occurring in 2017 and 2018.

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