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The FDA warns against certain frozen oysters due to the risk of norovirus contamination



The FDA warns against certain frozen oysters due to the risk of norovirus contamination

The FDA advises consumers not to eat and restaurants and food retailers not to serve or sell and discard lots B231126, B240103 and B240214 of frozen raw oysters on the half shell, processed by JBR (KR 15 SP) in Tongyeongsi, Republic of Korea on November 27, 2023, January 4, 2024, and February 15, 2024 and shipped to distributors in California because they may be infected with norovirus.

Frozen oysters have a long shelf life, so the FDA recommends restaurants, other businesses and consumers check their freezers for affected oysters.

JJBR (KR-15-SP) Tongyeong, Republic of Korea (ROK) is also recalling frozen half-shell oysters with lot number B231227 because they may be contaminated with norovirus.

The recalled oysters were harvested on December 27, 2023 in ROK Designated Area No. 1. They were processed as frozen half-shell oysters by JBR (KR-15-SP) in Tongyeong, ROK on December 28, 2023, lot number B231227.

These oysters were distributed by Khee Trading, Inc. (Compton, CA), which is also recalling these oysters. It is believed that these frozen oysters were further distributed to numerous locations in other states.

On May 15, 2024, JC Foods Inc. started operations. of Salt Lake City, UT issued a voluntary recall of frozen half-shell oysters, lot number B231227, distributed to their retail customers in Utah.

Retailers are prohibited from serving or selling frozen half-shell oysters with lot number B231227, which were processed by JBR of ROK on 12/28/2023 and distributed to restaurants and retailers in California, Colorado, Nevada and New Jersey and Utah. Further spread may have occurred, and states continue to conduct trace investigations. The FDA assists and coordinates interstate notification efforts as a result of the states’ investigations.

Symptoms of a norovirus infection may include vomiting and/or diarrhea, nausea, muscle aches, fever and headache, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Symptoms typically begin 12 to 48 hours after exposure and can last one to three days. Most people recover without treatment, but some may need medical attention due to dehydration.

People with norovirus infection can easily spread the infection to others. The virus can live on surfaces for a long time.

To prevent others from getting sick, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after going to the toilet or changing diapers. Use soap and water to clean toilets or other areas that may be contaminated with feces or vomit. Hard surfaces can be disinfected with 1/3 cup of household bleach mixed with 1 gallon of water. Always wear gloves when working with cleaning products containing bleach. Wash soiled clothing and bedding in warm water and detergent. Soft surfaces that cannot be washed can be steam cleaned.

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