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The government must combat the increase in cybercrime



The government must combat the increase in cybercrime

In line with the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023 to 2028, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. adopted the National Cybersecurity Plan (NCSP) 2023 to 2028 to address the rising number of cyber threats and serve as a roadmap for the entire country. cyberspace.

“We are strengthening all our efforts against cybercrime, from detection and response to case building and resolution. We will continue to train our staff to combat cybercrime and improve our cybersecurity capabilities.” President Marcos said it in his speech at the swearing-in of top officials of the Philippine National Police (PNP) last March 18.

The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) NCSP 2023 – 2028 outlined the country’s policy direction and operational guidelines, creating a trusted, secure and resilient cyberspace for Filipinos.

“The newest threat we have is cybercrime, with the emerging and evolving digital landscape facing threats that could undo its potential contribution to national growth,” the President said of deploying technology to further protect the people from cyber threats .

In addition to NCSP, the DICT adjusted its Cloud First Policy in 2020 to “provide clearer guidance on policy coverage, data classification and data security.” This policy required government departments and agencies to prioritize cloud computing solutions.

“Understanding that cybersecurity, sovereign data and artificial intelligence are obviously critical,” CTO Cloud Chief Operating Officer told the 2nd Philippine CTO Summit last May 9.

DICT Undersecretary Jeffrey Ian Dy stated that the commitment to the Cloud First policy ensured proper classification schemes for government data – essential to mitigate the risks of unauthorized access or disclosure.

“Cloud services offer flexibility, security and cost-efficiency,” Mr Dy added.

Online scams as the biggest cybercrime in Q1

In April the PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG) revealed 4,469 cybercrime incidents in the first quarter of 2024, an increase of 21.84% compared to the previous quarter.

Furthermore, ACG Chief Maj. Gen. Sidney S. Hernia claimed that online scams are the biggest cybercrime this first quarter, with 990 documented cases, followed by investment fraud and debit/credit card fraud.

“Increased online activity and the advancement of technology are some of the reasons why online sales fraud is on the rise. People turned to online shopping instead of going to the mall. The rise of e-commerce and online platforms offers scammers more opportunities to carry out their schemes.” Mr. Hernia explained about the increasing cases of online fraud.

Furthermore, DICT Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center Executive Director Alexander K. Ramos, in an interview during the BusinessWorld Economic Forum 2024, warned the public to use their mobile phones wisely.

“Everyone uses a mobile phone, and this is the most vulnerable tool that everyone uses, no matter what application you have. As long as you have a cell phone, you are subject to attacks… Please stop clicking your phones quickly. Read carefully.”Almira Louise S. Martinez