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The US government issues an updated travel advisory for Israel due to the threat of attack



U.S. Government Issues Updated Travel Advisory For Israel Amid Attack Threat

On April 11, the US government updated its policy Travel advice for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza amid the war taking place in these areas and the “imminent” Iranian attack, he said Iranian national news.

Given that mortar weapons and rockets can strike targets in these areas without notice, the US State Department urges Americans to do so not travel to Gaza as a result of terrorism and armed conflict and on reconsider travel to Israel and the West Bank as a result of terrorism and civil unrest.

Those who wish to travel despite this advice are asked to be alert at all times, avoid crowded places, monitor the media for the latest information on possible attacks and In fact, make sure you have a plan in place regarding funeral preferences, child custody, and a will detailing the possible division of your property.

In addition to purchasing travel insurance that covers medical evacuation, Americans must also register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to help locate them in an emergency.

Gaza Strip

The U.S. government states that it cannot provide consular assistance to Americans in need in this area. Therefore it urges citizens not to travel to Gaza.

If you do, make a plan without relying on U.S. aid. bring enough food and medicine to last at least two weeks, and be mentally prepared to be stuck in this area indefinitely due to unexpected closures of the zebra crossings between Egypt and Gaza.

Other official recommendations include making plans with your family about children, property, and funeral wishes in case you are killed.

West Bank

Americans would “reconsider travel‘to this area due to terrorism and civil unrest.

Avoid all travel to “Ramallah, Jericho, Bethlehem, Highway 1, route 90 and route 443 between Jerusalem and Modi’in.”

As for traveling to high-risk areas like several zones in the West Bank, the government is reminding Americans of this it has limited to no capacity to assist them in an emergency.


Terrorist attacks in Israel are expected and inevitable. The US government advises citizens to do so reconsider a visit due to terrorism and civil unrest.

Americans should be aware of their surroundings at all times, avoid crowded areas and ensure they can locate the nearest fallout shelters in the event of an unexpected terrorist attack.

When will the war between Israel and Gaza end?

It’s uncertain. Hopes for a ceasefire have largely faded after the killing of three sons and four grandchildren of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza two days ago, along with 60 other family members killed since October.

Although the Israeli government claims to have killed most of the Hamas operatives, Haniyeh stated that those who think this war is over are “delusional.”

“Anyone who believes that attacking my sons will push Hamas to change its position is delusional,” Haniyeh said. Al Jazeera TV.