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UK delays health and safety checks on EU imports over concerns over border controls post-Brexit



The government has delayed introducing more checks on EU goods entering the UK over fears it will disrupt supply chains and add to rising inflation.

Amid concerns about potential disruption and system readiness, the UK government has reportedly informed port health authorities of its decision to delay the start of health and safety checks on imports from the European Union (EU) as part of new border controls following the Brexit.

According to reports, a presentation from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) highlighted the risk of “significant disruption” if the new measures were implemented in time, citing the system’s unpreparedness.

To limit the risk of delays and disruptions, the government has outlined plans to initially zero out the number of checks for all commodity groups. This decision comes after several delays in the implementation of border controls, mainly due to concerns about potential disruption and inflationary pressures.

Defra’s presentation acknowledged existing “challenges” within its systems for recording imports of food and animal products, which could lead to out-of-control levels of inspections and overwhelming ports.

Although the duration of the suspension of border controls was not specified, the presentation indicated a phased approach, with controls gradually activated for different product groups.

Business organizations have called for delaying the introduction of new border controls until at least October, citing concerns about the system’s readiness and potential disruptions.

The government’s latest phase of changes, scheduled for October, will include the requirement for safety and security declarations for medium and high risk imports. In addition, a single trading window will be introduced to streamline import processes and reduce administrative burden on traders.

Currently, goods arriving from the island of Ireland do not require physical checks, but the government has indicated that these checks will be introduced at a later date, possibly after October 31.

A spokesperson for Defra highlighted the Government’s commitment to prioritizing goods that pose the greatest biosecurity risk as it gradually introduces new border controls. The approach aims to minimize disruption, protect biosecurity and support traders during the transition process.