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Wendy Williams’ best friend believes she was ‘forced into silence’




Wendy Williams' best friend believes she was 'forced into silence'

Wendy WilliamsBest Friend Believes Former Talk Show Host Was ‘Silenced’ After Mysteriously Disappearing from Public Life for More Than a Year has learned.

Wendy’s best friend of 44 years, Regina Schellgave her very first interview, in which she wondered what exactly happened to the once public figure.

Schell and Wendy’s friendship didn’t blossom until the summer of 2022, when the couple moved in together. Despite their decades-long friendship, she claims she hasn’t spoken to Wendy in over a year the sun.

“I want people to know that Wendy is a real person, and this isn’t karma, it’s a b… thing,” Regina said of her friend’s days dishing out celebrity gossip on her show.

“Talking is Wendy’s life, her whole claim to fame is talking, and I don’t think she would be that quiet unless she was forced to be quiet,” Regina added.

Wendy’s concerned best friend further pressed what happened to her: “Where is Wendy and why is no one asking that question? And why is no one answering that question. Why can’t they present Wendy, or an actual statement from Wendy, or a photo from Wendy? Where’s Wendy?!”

“I haven’t spoken to my friend, who I talked to five times a day, for over a year now,” Regina said before later adding, “She’s somewhere where she can’t reach a phone because Wendy is always a phone can reach. phone, because if she could get a phone, she would call me.

Regina also had strong opinions on the controversial Lifetime documentary about Wendy, in which she was featured in a disturbing mental and physical condition.

In a statement released by her guardian in February, Sabrina Morrisseyshe stated that Wendy was in an undisclosed location “where she received the care she needed”, although Wendy’s friends and family do not know exactly where she lives.

“I think she needs to be surrounded by family and friends and people who love her and support her, rather than some stranger who has her and knows where,” Regina said.