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Why you should write a diary while enjoying nature




Redhead girl sitting on green spring grass writing down her thoughts in notebook.

If you’re looking for a boost to your physical and mental health, it’s time to get outside. Research shows that spending time outside, even if you don’t participate in any form of physical activity, you can provide just that. Even taking a few minutes to sit by a stream, rest in the shade of a tree, or simply sit by an open window to watch the birds can have enormous therapeutic and physiological benefits. In fact, study after Research shows that nature therapy can reduce stressreduce feelings of anxiety and even increase physical well-being.

But what might be even better for your health consciously spend time outdoors, which, when combined with nature therapy, can enhance feelings of calm, connection with nature, and even positive neurobiological responses. One way to incorporate mindfulness into time in nature without sitting cross-legged on the grass with your eyes closed, a position often associated with meditation, is to journal. Here’s how and why you can pop a notebook in your pocket or backpack the next time you head outside to squeeze out every drop of goodness that comes with spending time outdoors.

What counts as nature therapy

The term “nature therapy” can conjure up all kinds of images, from long walks on the beach to meditation sessions in the park to a simple walk around the neighborhood. And while it is often associated with spending hours in the forest, quietly communing with nature a la Shinrin-yoku or forest bathing, nature therapy can be much more accessible than that, which is good news for city dwellers and others who may not have easy access to large pieces of green.

According to Erica R. Timko Olson, a nurse practitioner and assistant professor at the University of Minnesota who specializes in nature-based therapies that support well-being, there are many ways to interact with nature. That certainly includes intentionally engaging in therapeutic, nature-based experiences, but also walking to work or enjoying a sunny park bench, even listening to nature sounds or watching photos or videos of nature scenes.

Essentially, nature therapy can include anything from climbing a mountain to having lunch on a terrace to watching a butterfly from your apartment balcony; it can be done and the benefits experienced virtually anywhere.

The benefits of journaling in nature

And yes, slowing down to take in all the sights and sounds of the outdoors, especially in these days of busy schedules and no free time, is very important. Reo Jones, nurse, researcher and PhD student at OHSU, explains that although people today are in almost constant fight or flight mode, writing and reflecting in a natural environment can change the physiology in the body and improve psychological, physical and spiritual aspects. enlarge. well-being felt in the presence of nature that tells us that we are safe and can relax. You don’t even have to spend much of your day practicing, she says.

“How quickly and how drastically can people feel better. It blows my mind.”

In fact, Jones suggests that taking just five minutes regularly can have profound benefits for mental, as well as physical, health. “How quickly and how drastically can people feel better. It surprises me,” she says. “We see that at the cellular level.”

Of a lowering cortisol levels and boosting immune function Unpleasant positive changes in anxiety and mood, any form of mindfulness outdoors is favorable. This also applies when you are inside, but nature borders, such as when greenery is placed in a classroom or You have a view of nature from your office or hospital window. So grab a notebook and get started.

Grab a journal to practice mindfulness

However, for many, journaling can seem intimidating. But that’s not necessary. In fact, according to Jones, it will look different for everyone. It can be as simple as writing down what you see, feel or smell, using the senses available to you, encouraging you to pay attention and tune in to the world around you. Start by writing down details that you normally ignore in everyday life, such as the sound of leaves flapping in the wind, the way the light changes on the grass, or what spring flowers smell like.

“The best access to this is to go outside and observe. And do that until you feel comfortable,” instructs Sydney Williams, author of Walking with your feelings and founder of the nonprofit retreat-based Walking through my feelings, both of which exist to help people discover the healing power of nature. Then, when you feel comfortable observing, work introspectively and write down how the scenes around you make you feel.

When you’re ready to go deeper, observe what’s happening both internally and externally. Journaling, especially when done outside the home, can be a way to process and process difficult feelings and traumatic experiences, explains Williams, who discovered firsthand while spending time outdoors with pen and paper in hand, that the wilderness offers space to observe and reflect without judgement. It can also be a place to redirect energy – through walking or exploring – that can feel trapped indoors. “It’s the vastness I feel outdoors that makes processing more accessible and approachable,” she says. It can ease the fight-or-flight mode when you’re feeling triggered, she adds.

If you’re still struggling to put thoughts into words, return to simple observation, but pay attention to what the scenes around you inspire. When you see a cactus, Williams says, think about the spines and let the spines make you think about what’s currently irritating you. Write down on paper what you think and feel, why you might think and feel that way, and how those thoughts and feelings affect you, physically and mentally.

“There’s something about the reflection process and taking the time to sit with it and process it and think about it,” Jones says. No judgement, just introspection and inspiration.

“One of the best ways to reconnect and rediscover ourselves is to reconnect with our environment,” says Williams. So grab a notebook or open the Notes app on your phone, find a stream, tree, or roof to sit by, under, or on, and take a few minutes to observe and think. Your body and mind will thank you for it.