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A new national poll shows that 62 percent of Americans, including Democrats, support the National Program to Deport ALL Illegal Aliens (Video) | The Gateway expert



A new national poll shows that 62 percent of Americans, including Democrats, support the National Program to Deport ALL Illegal Aliens (Video) |  The Gateway expert

This was evident from a new CBS News/YouGov poll published on Sunday 62% of Americans support a national program to deport all of Joe Biden’s millions of illegal aliens.

Earlier today, CBS investigative expert Anthony Salvanto told Margaret Brennan on Face the Nation that 62% of Americans want all illegal aliens rounded up and deported.

Anthony Salvanto: “We basically tested that in a general way. Would you support a new government program that would deport all people living in the US illegally? And the majority thinks so. That’s six out of ten. It is strongest among people who are MAGA. It is strongest among Trump supporters, but also among some Democrats.”

The news surprised the far-left CBS anchor.

Margaret Brennan: So explain that, because these 62 percent of Americans support deporting all undocumented immigrants.

So Homeland Security says that President Biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any year since 2010. And depending on the details of what’s being talked about during the campaign, some of what Mr. Trump is talking about could be could have been. be illegal. In a way, it doesn’t seem practical to pick up children.

And then we know that the courts have questioned whether local authorities would be able to do that, and that federal authorities don’t have the resources. So what exactly do people think they are supporting?

That’s when Salvanto disrupted her world.

Anthony Salvanto: Well, if you measure public sentiment on this, or on any policy really, you get a sense of direction. You get broad brushstrokes.

But those kinds of details are often a matter for the legislature and the courts later. We even tested the idea: should local law enforcement be involved? And many people say yes. Again, the details of that, the details, you’re not going to pick that up in the general public.

Leftists hate it when the country discovers their betrayal.