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After a protest exhibition honoring the Nova Music Festival victims murdered by Hamas, masked anti-Israel demonstrators take over the New York subway and demand that Jews identify themselves: ‘This is your chance to get out’ (Video) | The Gateway expert




After a protest exhibition honoring the Nova Music Festival victims murdered by Hamas, masked anti-Israel demonstrators take over the New York subway and demand that Jews identify themselves: 'This is your chance to get out' (Video) |  The Gateway expert
Nova Music Festival Exhibition/Image: Video screenshot

On Monday, a group of masked anti-Israelis leaving a protest at an exhibition honoring the October 7 victims took over a New York City subway train and demanded that Jews identify themselves.

The Nova Exhibition is a powerful and moving tribute to the lives lost by Hamas terrorists when they stormed the peaceful music festival to kill, rape and kidnap the young people attending the event.

As the Hamas supporter left the protest and boarded a New York subway train, they told all the “Zionists” on the train to raise their hands before warning them, “This is your chance to get out.”

The group also carried a banner that read: “Long Live October 7.”

After boarding the train, one of the protesters said, “Repeat after me… Raise your hand if you are a Zionist.”

His comrades thoughtlessly repeated his chant.

Then he added: “This is your chance to get out.”

It seemed no one raised their hands, and he continued, “Okay, no Zionists, we’re fine.”

Hamas supporters demand that Jews identify themselves on the New York subway. Image/@AvivaKlompas/X


The protest outside the Union Square Park event included disturbing behavior from demonstrators, including one man who told Jews who came out to honor the fallen that he wished “Hitler was still here” because the Nazi leader “told you all would have wiped out’.

The pro-terror crowd gathered outside the Nova Exhibit to protest the memorial to the victims of Hamas terrorists, where demonstrators lit flares and opened smoke canisters while chanting: “Long live the intifada.”

The exhibition has been extended until June 22.