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Anti-Israel Mob Gathers Outside Chuck Schumer’s Home, Arrests Begin Almost Immediately (VIDEO) | The Gateway expert




Anti-Israel Mob Gathers Outside Chuck Schumer's Home, Arrests Begin Almost Immediately (VIDEO) |  The Gateway expert

An anti-Israel mob formed outside Senator Chuck Schumer’s New York home this evening and the protesters were arrested almost immediately.

Funny how quickly arrests can be made in a case like this, depending on who is being threatened.

Jewish students don’t get this kind of quick protection. That includes the conservative Supreme Court justices.

Breitbart News reports:

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters gathered outside the home of Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in Brooklyn, calling on the United States to “stop arming Israel.”

Video footage posted to

A seder is an Easter holiday meal, which includes songs, stories, reading and eating special foods, along with other traditions. For those living in Israel, it is held on the first night of Passover, but for those outside Israel, it is held on the first two nights of Passover…

New York Police Department officers were captured on video telling protesters outside Schumer’s home that they were “blocking vehicular traffic” and would be arrested for disorderly conduct if they did not “move and get on the sidewalk.”

Here is a video of the protest:

Here’s a video of police preparing to make arrests:

Schumer has repeatedly tried to appease the radical left on this issue. It clearly didn’t work.