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Audiobook previews from Google Play Books now on YouTube




Audiobook previews from Google Play Books now on YouTube

Google Play Books has been unveiled a wonderful update which is suitable for both avid readers and young minds. With this update, you no longer have to surf the web or navigate through clunky apps. Instead, the new Play Books offers a wealth of free audiobook samples on YouTube that will change the way you discover your next listen.

Free audiobook previews now on YouTube

Yes, you read that correctly. Google has launched a dedicated YouTube channel for Google Play Books that is bringing in thousands examples of audio books. Now you can effortlessly navigate through captivating excerpts from fantasy epics, heartbreaking memoirs, or nail-biting thrillers. This all happens within the familiar YouTube interface you already know and love. This update not only provides a convenient and free way to find your next literary adventure. But it also makes it much easier to explore the world of audiobooks.

Free children’s e-books with “Read & Listen”

Google Play Books has also unveiled more than 300 free ebooks for kids, complete with the innovative Read & Listen feature. Imagine your child getting lost in a captivating story as the pages magically turn on their own, narrated by soothing voices. This is a surefire way to spark a love of reading in young minds, promoting understanding and engagement.

More than 300 ebooks for children
More than 300 ebooks for children

Stay organized with the Upcoming section in the Play Books app

Keeping track of your next literary adventure just got easier with the Upcoming section of the Play Books Android app. This handy feature acts as your own personal librarian, organizing all your pre-orders in a clear calendar view. No more hassle to remember what’s going to happen. You can even filter by specific authors or series to stay informed of releases that perfectly match your interests.

Encourage young readers with ‘Reading Rewards’

And for young readers, Google is introducing ‘Reading Rewards’, a gamified way to encourage consistent reading. As kids explore the world of ebooks in the Play Books Android app or Google Kids Space, they’ll be rewarded with digital stickers when they reach reading milestones. This small token of appreciation adds a touch of fun and motivates young minds to keep discovering new books.

This Google Play Books update isn’t just a collection of features. It’s a testament to the company’s commitment to making audiobooks more accessible than ever before. With his free audiobook samples Google is readily available on YouTube and is ready to disrupt the industry. Hopefully these make it easier and more fun than ever to discover your next auditory adventure.

So whether you’re a die-hard audiobook lover or just curious about this exciting format, Google Play Books has something special in store for you.

Play Books RewardsPlay Books Rewards