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August Birthstone: The Color and Symbolism of Peridot




August Birthstone: The Color and Symbolism of Peridot
IIn the gemstone world, emeralds get all the shine because of their beautiful green color, but don’t be so quick to forget the yellow-green peridot. This is a good time to draw attention to this gem; it is the birthstone of August, after all.

Once you focus your gaze on the stone, it will be difficult to look away; the color requires attention. Energetically, there is more to peridot than meets the eye. However, the yellow-green hue may refer to what it symbolizes. “Peridot represents prosperity, luck and happiness,” says astrologer and spiritual teacher Jill Wintersteenfounder of Ghost daughter. Viewed this way, August babies may consider the stone their good luck charm. Moreover, peridot reminds us of our strength, willpower, compassion and creativity, according to astrologer Rachel Longauthor of Modern magic.

These reasons alone make for a tempting proposition to tap into the energy of this gem, whether you were born in August or any other month of the year. If you’re curious to learn more, find below information about the properties, meaning and symbolism behind peridot and other but no less fantastic stones that will serve you well this month.

Properties of August’s birthstone: the beautiful yellow-green peridot

  • Birthstone color: Lime green
  • Chakra: Heart and solar plexus chakras
  • Origin: Unknown

Peridot is a variety of the mineral olivine, and while it is often characterized by its yellow-green hue, it comes in various shades of green.

The stone usually comes from volcanic rock, but can also come from meteorites, says integrative medicine and crystal expert Elizabeth Trattner, AP, DOMowner of wellness center The Helia House. That said, you’d be hard-pressed to find a peridot from outer space.

That is what is thought peridot was first discovered on an island in the Red Sea. Although its origins are unclear, today it comes from various locations around the world. The largest sources of peridot are in Myanmar, Pakistan and the Himalayas, and an estimated 80 to 95 percent of peridot is in the region. San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona.

Birthstone meaning and symbolism of peridot

Peridot has long been associated with light. The early Egyptians called it the “jewel of the sun,” while it was known as the “evening emerald” to the Romans, who believed it glowed in the dark. It was once also called chrysolite, from the ancient Greek word for ‘golden stone’.

Peridot, with all its associations, makes it a fitting choice for Leo season which runs from July 22 to August 22. In astrology, Leo is ruled by the sun, which represents the way we shine our light into the world, Lang told Well+Good. – and boy, does Leo beam. The Leo born leader who is confident in their expression with a warm aura that enlightens those around them, which plays a key role in the Leo’s traits. The fiery zodiac sign is also associated with regality, and peridot has long been thought to be a protective stone for those in positions of power, says Lang – another reason why the stone is suitable for those born in Leo.

According to Lang, Virgos born in August will also benefit from peridot’s energetic properties. It has long been thought that the gemstone would allay worries and fears, which is often a challenge for self-critical Virgos. One of the most important qualities of Virgo is their analytical ability. However, this also makes them prone to overthinking, which can lead to unnecessary worry and stress if left unchecked. Peridot can help boost their self-confidence and overcome worries. “Peridot can help remove negativity or obstacles in your path,” says Lang.

Although long associated with the sun, peridot has green hues reminiscent of foliage that are often symbolic of abundance and prosperity – and it so happens that the stone is also associated with these themes. “Peridot was said to help usher in abundance, especially for people born this month,” says Wintersteen. “Traditionally, August was the time of year when people worked hard under the summer sun for a bountiful future once it was time to harvest the crops.”

Given its green hues, it makes sense that peridot is identified with the heart chakra, which also glows bright green. “Like many green stones, it relates to the heart chakra and is known as a stone of compassion,” says Lang, while Dr. Trattner calls it a “heart opener”. According to Wintersteen, “it also helps us to use our third chakra [or solar plexus chakra]– the center of our will and identity.” As such, it can help you tap into your creativity and willpower, says Lang.

To tap into peridot’s energetic powers, Lang says you can meditate with the stone to call on your inner strength or for clarity when the path forward is unclear.

What are the other August birthstones?

Although peridot is the most common August birthstone, spinel and sardonyx are also considered birthstones for the month, each unique in its own right.

“Spinel is a resilient stone,” says Lang. “It’s helpful when you’re having a hard time because it helps bring energy into your body. It can help you open up to abundance and security, and the red varieties are associated with the root chakra, making it a protective stone.

Sardonyx is the original birthstone for August and, according to Lang, is a stone primarily associated with courage. “It helps boost your courage when you’re preparing for a big event,” she says. Additionally, “it is associated with clarity and focus, making it a great stone for when you are finishing a project.”

What are birthstones?

Birthstones are gemstones that represent a person’s birth month or zodiac sign. Their origins are believed to date back to Biblical times, and the first-century historian Flavius ​​Josephus associated the twelve gemstones on Aaron’s breastplate in the Book of Exodus with the months of the year and the twelve constellations. However, the custom of wearing an individual gemstone every month only began in Germany and Poland around the 15th or 16th century. Birthstones also appear to have their origins in Eastern culture. The Ratna Pariksha, a fifth-century Hindu text, linked specific gemstones to gods, celestial bodies and days of the week, while Vedic astrologers recommend certain gemstones to individuals based on their astrological birth chart.

In 1912, the American Council Association of Jewelers (currently known as the Jewelers of America) created a standardized list of birthstones in the United States. This list was updated by the Jewelry Industry Council of America and later by The American Gem Trade Association to include new types of birthstones for certain months of the year.

An overview of the birthstones for each month of the year

Do you want to choose a crystal that corresponds to your birth month? Here is a quick overview of the birthstones for each month of the year:

Frequently asked questions about the August birthstone

What is the real birthstone for August?

August has three birthstones, namely peridot, spinel and sardonyx, but according to Lang, peridot is the most important gemstone associated with the month.

What does the August birthstone represent?

The August birthstone usually represents strength, willpower, compassion and creativity, as well as prosperity and abundance.

What is the original birthstone for August?

The original birthstone for August is sardonyx, and according to Lang it is associated with courage, clarity and focus.

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