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Biden campaign rips Trump over fake black voter outreach




Biden campaign rips Trump over fake black voter outreach

The Biden campaign hammered Trump for hosting a black outreach event that they described as a “noticeably empty event for a white audience.”

The Biden campaign responded to Trump’s attempt to attract black voters in a statement:

True to tradition, Donald Trump rolled out his long-awaited “Black Americans for Trump” coalition to a noticeably empty and white audience—alongside, of course, a list of lies and misinformation about his record of failing Black Americans.

Biden-Harris 2024 Director of Black Media Jasmine Harris said: “Donald Trump thinks the fact that he has ‘a lot of black friends’ is an excuse for a lifetime of denigrating and disrespecting black Americans, but black voters know better – and Trump’s eleventh attempt at Black outreach is fooling no one. Black voters have not forgotten that this man entered public life by calling for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5 and entered political life by spreading racist conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. We haven’t forgotten that black unemployment and uninsured rates skyrocketed when Trump was in the White House. And we certainly haven’t forgotten that Trump repeatedly linked up with white supremacists and demonized Black communities for his political advantage — because that’s exactly what he’ll do if he wins a second term. Black voters sent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House in 2020, and they are poised to make Donald Trump a double loser in 2024.”

Trump’s campaign reportedly recruited white people to fill seats at his Black Outreach event

Republicans continue to try to push a man with a history of racism into a person who should appeal to black voters. Trump was sued for housing discrimination because he refused to rent to black people. Donald Trump is not someone who will put the interests of the American people as a priority.

Trump pretends he has the support of black voters. Joe Biden’s biggest concern should not be that black voters will switch to Trump, but that they will stay home and not vote if the president doesn’t do significant direct outreach and show that he is the candidate who best has their interests at heart can represent for the next four years.

Jason is the editor-in-chief. He is also a White House press pool and congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a bachelor’s degree in political science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

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