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Biden campaign won’t let voters forget that Trump is a convicted felon-rapist




Biden-Harris campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu talks to MSNBC's Jen Psaki

The Biden campaign reminds voters at every opportunity that Trump is a convicted felon and a rapist.

Read: The Republican Presumptive Nominee for President is A Convicted Felon

For example, Mitch Landrieu, co-chair of the Biden-Harris campaign, said while talking about Trump and democracy on MSNBC’s Inside with Jen Psaki:

This is the big idea. America is the greatest country that ever was and it is the greatest country because we are building on the greatest idea that we all come to the table of democracy as equals. And we must defend democracy against autocracy. We never used to have a conflict between the Republican and Democratic parties over that idea. But for some crazy reason, the Republican Party now has someone in charge who wants to turn that idea on its head; he became an isolationist to get rid of NATO. NATO is something that has kept the peace over time. And it is in fact true, based on Donald Trump’s actions over the past few years, that democracy is in danger both abroad and at home. And you’ve seen it time and time again. So these elections are a real decision between autocracy and democracy.

And despite the fact that Donald Trump is now a convicted criminal. Now someone who is declared a sexual abuser by the court and quotes and unquotes a rapist. Now someone who is considered a bank fraudster and has a judgment against him. This man continues to talk in a way that is completely contradictory and disconnected from what the world knows about America and, of course, from what Americans value in themselves.


The Biden campaign is drawing a contrast between President Biden and ex-President Trump, and part of that contrast is the character of the two candidates, and nothing speaks more strongly about the contrast in character than reminding voters that Trump is a convicted felon is who was declared a rapist by a judge in a separate civil case.

The Biden campaign will not let voters forget that the man trying to destroy American democracy is also a convicted criminal found in civil court for crimes against women.

America’s choice in this election is between Joe Biden and democracy, or between a convicted rapist who dreams of turning America into an autocracy.

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